Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2024
Generated 01-Jun-2024 00:10 PDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2024
Total Hits 3124216
Total Files 2637260
Total Pages 2810693
Total Visits 172797
Total KBytes 29306638
Total Unique Sites 30371
Total Unique URLs 35838
Total Unique Referrers 22444
Total Unique User Agents 1630
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 4199 141294
Hits per Day 100781 232984
Files per Day 85072 215985
Pages per Day 90667 221248
Visits per Day 5574 9683
KBytes per Day 945375 1745676
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 10
Code 101 - Switching Protocols 241
Code 200 - OK 2637260
Code 206 - Partial Content 16
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 47082
Code 302 - Found 395630
Code 304 - Not Modified 2373
Code 400 - Bad Request 1212
Code 401 - Unauthorized 73
Code 403 - Forbidden 309
Code 404 - Not Found 39070
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 185
Code 408 - Request Timeout 751
Code 503 - Service Unavailable 4

Daily usage for May 2024

Daily Statistics for May 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 97979 3.14% 82658 3.13% 89629 3.19% 7699 4.46% 2462 8.11% 1055446 3.60%
2 94149 3.01% 75678 2.87% 85048 3.03% 9610 5.56% 2939 9.68% 1186766 4.05%
3 85237 2.73% 72382 2.74% 78355 2.79% 9683 5.60% 2739 9.02% 1260270 4.30%
4 85951 2.75% 72486 2.75% 73565 2.62% 9339 5.40% 2011 6.62% 1348210 4.60%
5 89294 2.86% 76430 2.90% 82461 2.93% 9410 5.45% 1807 5.95% 1439471 4.91%
6 92170 2.95% 77059 2.92% 84049 2.99% 7864 4.55% 2187 7.20% 1314836 4.49%
7 120200 3.85% 105885 4.01% 111553 3.97% 5953 3.45% 2353 7.75% 1692585 5.78%
8 118674 3.80% 102940 3.90% 107822 3.84% 6734 3.90% 3135 10.32% 1072619 3.66%
9 90108 2.88% 74611 2.83% 80124 2.85% 5258 3.04% 2036 6.70% 1023416 3.49%
10 107160 3.43% 88602 3.36% 98475 3.50% 6194 3.58% 2666 8.78% 1214561 4.14%
11 82712 2.65% 66557 2.52% 75213 2.68% 5685 3.29% 2140 7.05% 996784 3.40%
12 99490 3.18% 82055 3.11% 78700 2.80% 5239 3.03% 1719 5.66% 825718 2.82%
13 102750 3.29% 86332 3.27% 83208 2.96% 6183 3.58% 2336 7.69% 1047763 3.58%
14 85308 2.73% 70475 2.67% 77521 2.76% 8576 4.96% 3017 9.93% 705669 2.41%
15 87096 2.79% 72908 2.76% 73968 2.63% 7110 4.11% 2677 8.81% 782289 2.67%
16 78587 2.52% 62656 2.38% 68903 2.45% 5499 3.18% 1944 6.40% 759879 2.59%
17 86481 2.77% 69028 2.62% 77100 2.74% 4851 2.81% 1934 6.37% 642876 2.19%
18 88761 2.84% 72683 2.76% 73530 2.62% 4298 2.49% 2301 7.58% 608552 2.08%
19 74031 2.37% 60789 2.31% 64051 2.28% 3766 2.18% 1676 5.52% 541680 1.85%
20 72569 2.32% 60676 2.30% 62878 2.24% 3753 2.17% 1805 5.94% 575396 1.96%
21 208412 6.67% 196159 7.44% 200026 7.12% 5245 3.04% 2755 9.07% 1253408 4.28%
22 84793 2.71% 69275 2.63% 78013 2.78% 3313 1.92% 1795 5.91% 623709 2.13%
23 85903 2.75% 71977 2.73% 74845 2.66% 3726 2.16% 1601 5.27% 714135 2.44%
24 109136 3.49% 90773 3.44% 103349 3.68% 3975 2.30% 1133 3.73% 792887 2.71%
25 98012 3.14% 85185 3.23% 91344 3.25% 4407 2.55% 1251 4.12% 772660 2.64%
26 82654 2.65% 69373 2.63% 76759 2.73% 4853 2.81% 1776 5.85% 681929 2.33%
27 112018 3.59% 81273 3.08% 90064 3.20% 3701 2.14% 1564 5.15% 694829 2.37%
28 91304 2.92% 75962 2.88% 83683 2.98% 2466 1.43% 1103 3.63% 570544 1.95%
29 78043 2.50% 62587 2.37% 69948 2.49% 3330 1.93% 1385 4.56% 553808 1.89%
30 232984 7.46% 215985 8.19% 221248 7.87% 4386 2.54% 3049 10.04% 1745676 5.96%
31 102250 3.27% 85821 3.25% 95261 3.39% 3438 1.99% 1775 5.84% 808268 2.76%

Hourly usage for May 2024

Hourly Statistics for May 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 3474 107717 3.45% 2907 90135 3.42% 3203 99313 3.53% 33084 1025607 3.50%
1 3923 121619 3.89% 3268 101337 3.84% 3739 115912 4.12% 36006 1116195 3.81%
2 4066 126052 4.03% 3368 104414 3.96% 3900 120919 4.30% 42493 1317271 4.49%
3 3739 115932 3.71% 3014 93461 3.54% 3502 108565 3.86% 41638 1290785 4.40%
4 4085 126665 4.05% 3363 104266 3.95% 3556 110258 3.92% 44604 1382724 4.72%
5 3743 116037 3.71% 3101 96154 3.65% 3380 104791 3.73% 39592 1227359 4.19%
6 3820 118423 3.79% 3140 97364 3.69% 3345 103716 3.69% 39117 1212613 4.14%
7 3439 106625 3.41% 2870 88971 3.37% 3019 93601 3.33% 33932 1051905 3.59%
8 3939 122111 3.91% 3239 100424 3.81% 3351 103885 3.70% 36375 1127630 3.85%
9 3922 121585 3.89% 3171 98319 3.73% 3480 107907 3.84% 37127 1150935 3.93%
10 3807 118033 3.78% 3211 99548 3.77% 3227 100042 3.56% 35355 1095992 3.74%
11 3876 120157 3.85% 3275 101539 3.85% 3404 105526 3.75% 36904 1144029 3.90%
12 3873 120081 3.84% 3259 101043 3.83% 3416 105915 3.77% 33678 1044014 3.56%
13 8394 260217 8.33% 7730 239648 9.09% 7947 246373 8.77% 60173 1865367 6.36%
14 3954 122591 3.92% 3245 100625 3.82% 3546 109935 3.91% 42192 1307938 4.46%
15 4180 129601 4.15% 3427 106264 4.03% 3684 114229 4.06% 41149 1275628 4.35%
16 4465 138427 4.43% 3798 117768 4.47% 3847 119271 4.24% 39953 1238530 4.23%
17 3812 118179 3.78% 3144 97467 3.70% 3392 105166 3.74% 36441 1129675 3.85%
18 3567 110592 3.54% 3041 94290 3.58% 3128 96975 3.45% 35708 1106946 3.78%
19 6750 209263 6.70% 6224 192971 7.32% 6358 197101 7.01% 56497 1751410 5.98%
20 5411 167747 5.37% 4586 142172 5.39% 4652 144232 5.13% 43779 1357153 4.63%
21 3669 113739 3.64% 2986 92573 3.51% 3139 97323 3.46% 36295 1125137 3.84%
22 3560 110378 3.53% 2931 90870 3.45% 3309 102585 3.65% 33080 1025482 3.50%
23 3304 102445 3.28% 2762 85637 3.25% 3133 97153 3.46% 30204 936316 3.19%

Top 30 of 35838 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1144839 36.64% 2831891 9.66% /
2 775935 24.84% 8432602 28.77% /eve/forums
3 80546 2.58% 962183 3.28% /stats/
4 30110 0.96% 3567619 12.17% /stats/usage_202403.html
5 16846 0.54% 238135 0.81% /forum_images/TechTalkForums-rebuilt.png
6 16796 0.54% 25974 0.09% /SupportingMembers.gif
7 13925 0.45% 109130 0.37% /eve
8 11083 0.35% 13363 0.05% /groupee_common/ver1.3.7.2147483647/platform_images/blank.gif
9 10286 0.33% 14951 0.05% /eve/a/pjs/1697486876.js
10 9667 0.31% 30861 0.11% /groupee_common/ver1.3.7.2147483647/platform_images/loading.gif
11 5149 0.16% 2594 0.01% /groupee_common/jscript/starbox/images/starbox/default.png
12 4859 0.16% 6335 0.02% /favicon.ico
13 4450 0.14% 73385 0.25% /groupee_common/ver1.3.7.2147483647/jscript/eve_constructor.js
14 4404 0.14% 165217 0.56% /groupee_common/ver1.3.7.2147483647/jscript/prototype.js
15 4358 0.14% 3561 0.01% /groupee_common/ver1.3.7.2147483647/jscript/starbox/css/starbox.css
16 4337 0.14% 510533 1.74% /stats/usage_202404.html
17 4286 0.14% 83476 0.28% /masthead/logo-bg.png
18 4271 0.14% 2784 0.01% /eve/a/permjs/u/guests/001286839438151.js
19 4269 0.14% 9950 0.03% /groupee_common/ver1.3.7.2147483647/jscript/eve_perms_lib.js
20 4240 0.14% 1650 0.01% /masthead/bottom_left.png
21 4146 0.13% 1783 0.01% /masthead/bg-tab.png
22 4070 0.13% 17572 0.06% /groupee_common/ver1.3.7.2147483647/jscript/starbox/js/starbox.js
23 3939 0.13% 4340 0.01% /masthead/bgw-b.png
24 3923 0.13% 2892 0.01% /masthead/top_right_tab.png
25 3894 0.12% 1032 0.00% /groupee_common/ver1.3.7.2147483647/styles/images/forums_icon.gif
26 3890 0.12% 1307 0.00% /groupee_common/ver1.3.7.2147483647/styles/images/new.gif
27 3880 0.12% 972 0.00% /groupee_common/ver1.3.7.2147483647/styles/images/find.gif
28 3880 0.12% 1430 0.00% /groupee_common/ver1.3.7.2147483647/styles/images/go.gif
29 3877 0.12% 827 0.00% /groupee_common/ver1.3.7.2147483647/styles/images/arrow_up.gif
30 3872 0.12% 944 0.00% /groupee_common/ver1.3.7.2147483647/styles/images/tools.gif

Top 10 of 35838 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 775935 24.84% 8432602 28.77% /eve/forums
2 30110 0.96% 3567619 12.17% /stats/usage_202403.html
3 1144839 36.64% 2831891 9.66% /
4 77 0.00% 1250740 4.27% /groupee_files/attachments/8/6/9/8693999597/8693999597_p30-chassis-manual.pdf
5 80546 2.58% 962183 3.28% /stats/
6 4337 0.14% 510533 1.74% /stats/usage_202404.html
7 16846 0.54% 238135 0.81% /forum_images/TechTalkForums-rebuilt.png
8 23 0.00% 175445 0.60% /groupee_files/attachments/2/2/2/2223976097/2223976097_chevy_chassis_service_guide_pg_1979-1986.pdf
9 4404 0.14% 165217 0.56% /groupee_common/ver1.3.7.2147483647/jscript/prototype.js
10 1340 0.04% 143529 0.49% /stats/usage_202405.html

Top 10 of 20581 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 775935 24.84% 76035 45.38% /eve/forums
2 1144839 36.64% 11259 6.72% /
3 13925 0.45% 5618 3.35% /eve
4 80546 2.58% 3426 2.04% /stats/
5 30110 0.96% 771 0.46% /stats/usage_202403.html
6 2950 0.09% 373 0.22% /eve/personal
7 4337 0.14% 348 0.21% /stats/usage_202404.html
8 751 0.02% 303 0.18% /eve/forums/a/frm/f/6041087061
9 566 0.02% 234 0.14% /eve/forums/a/frm/f/3631087061
10 693 0.02% 232 0.14% /eve/forums/a/tpc/f/6541087061/m/8353971877

Top 10 of 21028 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 775935 24.84% 77380 45.71% /eve/forums
2 1144839 36.64% 10039 5.93% /
3 13925 0.45% 5404 3.19% /eve
4 80546 2.58% 3359 1.98% /stats/
5 30110 0.96% 768 0.45% /stats/usage_202403.html
6 2950 0.09% 395 0.23% /eve/personal
7 566 0.02% 350 0.21% /eve/forums/a/frm/f/3631087061
8 4337 0.14% 253 0.15% /stats/usage_202404.html
9 751 0.02% 238 0.14% /eve/forums/a/frm/f/6041087061
10 764 0.02% 227 0.13% /eve/forums/a/tpc/f/6141087061/m/6561018012

Top 30 of 30371 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 616739 19.74% 616739 23.39% 134309 0.46% 25 0.01%
2 189184 6.06% 189184 7.17% 628139 2.14% 7 0.00%
3 65850 2.11% 3330 0.13% 80509 0.27% 503 0.29%
4 53476 1.71% 35714 1.35% 3317485 11.32% 35 0.02%
5 37675 1.21% 36681 1.39% 335098 1.14% 24 0.01%
6 36989 1.18% 35935 1.36% 336074 1.15% 24 0.01%
7 35003 1.12% 34048 1.29% 319253 1.09% 21 0.01%
8 29798 0.95% 16001 0.61% 259561 0.89% 64 0.04%
9 27620 0.88% 14610 0.55% 234389 0.80% 55 0.03%
10 25890 0.83% 14176 0.54% 223436 0.76% 54 0.03%
11 23839 0.76% 13035 0.49% 212176 0.72% 64 0.04%
12 12504 0.40% 12473 0.47% 712567 2.43% 1 0.00%
13 11864 0.38% 6 0.00% 4989 0.02% 1 0.00%
14 10026 0.32% 9479 0.36% 120181 0.41% 11 0.01%
15 8655 0.28% 7303 0.28% 40553 0.14% 197 0.11%
16 8571 0.27% 7893 0.30% 71763 0.24% 76 0.04%
17 8559 0.27% 7192 0.27% 39523 0.13% 184 0.11%
18 8540 0.27% 7167 0.27% 39638 0.14% 199 0.12%
19 8533 0.27% 7184 0.27% 39490 0.13% 176 0.10%
20 8521 0.27% 7110 0.27% 39121 0.13% 184 0.11%
21 8508 0.27% 7151 0.27% 39460 0.13% 180 0.10%
22 8497 0.27% 7083 0.27% 38881 0.13% 181 0.10%
23 8490 0.27% 7106 0.27% 38896 0.13% 192 0.11%
24 8459 0.27% 7110 0.27% 38518 0.13% 193 0.11%
25 8458 0.27% 7090 0.27% 38422 0.13% 198 0.11%
26 8453 0.27% 7091 0.27% 38855 0.13% 182 0.11%
27 8418 0.27% 7144 0.27% 39006 0.13% 178 0.10%
28 8417 0.27% 7039 0.27% 38739 0.13% 191 0.11%
29 8413 0.27% 7050 0.27% 38683 0.13% 202 0.12%
30 8404 0.27% 7104 0.27% 38073 0.13% 188 0.11%

Top 10 of 30371 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 53476 1.71% 35714 1.35% 3317485 11.32% 35 0.02%
2 12504 0.40% 12473 0.47% 712567 2.43% 1 0.00%
3 189184 6.06% 189184 7.17% 628139 2.14% 7 0.00%
4 36989 1.18% 35935 1.36% 336074 1.15% 24 0.01%
5 37675 1.21% 36681 1.39% 335098 1.14% 24 0.01%
6 4486 0.14% 3589 0.14% 332530 1.13% 2 0.00%
7 35003 1.12% 34048 1.29% 319253 1.09% 21 0.01%
8 224 0.01% 109 0.00% 295859 1.01% 106 0.06%
9 209 0.01% 102 0.00% 269127 0.92% 104 0.06%
10 29798 0.95% 16001 0.61% 259561 0.89% 64 0.04%

Top 30 of 22444 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 1338521 42.84% - (Direct Request)
2 51094 1.64%
3 43668 1.40%
4 37955 1.21%
5 37909 1.21%
6 37857 1.21%
7 37843 1.21%
8 37620 1.20%
9 36771 1.18%
10 30433 0.97%
11 30375 0.97%
12 30367 0.97%
13 30325 0.97%
14 30307 0.97%
15 30299 0.97%
16 30276 0.97%
17 30250 0.97%
18 30229 0.97%
19 30225 0.97%
20 30204 0.97%
21 30202 0.97%
22 30199 0.97%
23 30166 0.97%
24 30141 0.96%
25 30135 0.96%
26 30129 0.96%
27 30119 0.96%
28 30110 0.96%
29 30097 0.96%
30 28975 0.93%

Top 20 of 79 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 219 64.04% google
2 36 10.53%
3 7 2.05%
4 3 0.88% what cat motor compares to cummins 8.3 engine
5 2 0.58%
6 2 0.58%
7 1 0.29% 97 mercruser 454 oil cooler diagram
8 1 0.29%
9 1 0.29%
10 1 0.29%
11 1 0.29%
12 1 0.29%
13 1 0.29%
14 1 0.29%
15 1 0.29%
16 1 0.29%
17 1 0.29%
18 1 0.29%
19 1 0.29%
20 1 0.29%

Top 15 of 1630 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 618461 19.80% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
2 332523 10.64% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/5
3 330707 10.59% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
4 233800 7.48% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,
5 219183 7.02% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +http://www.semrush
6 196613 6.29% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36
7 169335 5.42% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
8 141463 4.53% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible
9 112579 3.60% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/6
10 70460 2.26% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
11 65850 2.11% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +https://opensiteexplore
12 42585 1.36% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
13 39182 1.25% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-feedback@bytedanc
14 38584 1.23% Python/3.8 aiohttp/3.9.5
15 36198 1.16% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,

Usage by Country for May 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 3124216 100.00% 2637276 100.00% 29306638 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01