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Rising Fuel Costs - Consumer's Phenomenon Here
04-19-2006, 11:19 PM
<globalfuelnow>Rising Fuel Costs - Consumer's Phenomenon Here
FUEL FREEDOM IS HERE! MPG FUEL CAPS are now available! Stretch your fuel! Distributors wanted worldwide.
Watch the VIDEO on our website! WOW EPA registered.
What are they? Vitamin size capsules you place in your gas tank before every fill-up. It’s a chemical reaction, not a trick or gimmick. The reaction always takes place. The results are proven.
What will they do? They will:
Increase gas mileage 10%-30%+.
Work in gas, ethanol, diesel and bio-diesel engines.
Work in automobiles, tractor trailers, boats and RV's.
Reduce exhaust and emissions.
Restore lost power.
Increase power.
Increase torque.
Save you money at the pump.
Prevent you from having to spend extra money on premium fuel.
Increase octane level in fuel.
Not harm your engine.
Comes fully insured and with a 30 day money back guarantee.
Why? Because it just makes sense. How can you start SAVING on FUEL COST NOW?
To Order MPG FUEL CAPS or to become a Distributor go to:
(deleted by minute pre-recorded call:
(deleted by minute pre-recorded call:
(deleted by
Tests were conducted by an EPA approved laboratory. Tier 1 Testing was performed. MPG Caps create a more efficient burn, which increases power, increases mileage, saves money and nearly eliminates all harmful exhaust emissions.
Seeking anyone interested to take a whole new
revolutionary, biodegradable, environmentally safe,
product to the worldwide public.
Full training and support provided.
Must have SOME people skills "Hi, want to save UP TO
30% on your fuel expenses?"
SOLD! It's that simple. We are NOT joking.
How many you know...that drive? Think
about it.
Great commission structure, leads are endless.
Save people, companies, up to 30% on the fuel expenses
today. Think about it...Everyone Drives, The leads are
endless!!!!!!!! Now, think about that for a moment....
SEE the opportunity unfolding?
04-19-2006, 11:44 PM
bill hI can't afford that device. If I put any more gas saving devices on my Barth, I will be saving so much gas I will have to join OPEC as a major petroleum producer.
84 30T PeeThirty-Something, 502 powered
04-20-2006, 12:00 AM
RustyMe, too! Years ago I installed a carburetor that would save me 30% on fuel mileage. Then spark plugs that saved 30%. An air filter claimed 20%. Special motor oil saved me another 20%. A distributor saved 10%. Spark plug wires, 5%. A tranmission mod, 10%.
The problem was, that I had to stop every 200 miles or so to drain the excess fuel from the car...
"StaRV II"'94 28' Breakaway: MilSpec AMG 6.5L TD 230HP
Nelson and Chester, not-spoiled Golden Retrievers
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we're not.
In either case the idea is quite staggering. - Arthur C. Clarke
It was a woman who drove me to drink, and I've been searching thirty years to find her and thank her - W. C. Fields
04-20-2006, 12:10 AM
Bill N.Y.This guy posted it again in
Misc. and Other Stuff Just delete the extra post. Lets poke fun at it here!
WOW, Thanks Bill H. That didn't take long!04-20-2006, 12:14 AM
Noob GoldbergScrew putting them in the car. I eat a couple of those and my wife might even let me sleep in the bed after "beer-with-the-boys night".
04-20-2006, 12:23 AM
bill hquote:
Originally posted by Bill N.Y.:
This guy posted it again in
Misc. and Other Stuff Just delete the extra post. Lets poke fun at it here!
Geeze, Bill. You read my mind.
84 30T PeeThirty-Something, 502 powered
04-20-2006, 12:24 AM
bill hquote:
Originally posted by playerslight77:
Screw putting them in the car. I eat a couple of those and my wife might even let me sleep in the bed after "beer-with-the-boys night".
Sometimes I think my wife would like me to run out of gas.
84 30T PeeThirty-Something, 502 powered
04-20-2006, 12:41 AM
Bill N.Y.quote:
Quoted by globalfuelnow:
SEE the opportunity unfolding?
Everytime fuel goes up these hucksters come out of the woodwork.
This guy subscribes to P.T. Barnum's (WC Fields also said it too) saying... "Never give a sucker an even break or smarten up a chump."
Barnum also said "There's a sucker born every minute."
04-20-2006, 02:07 AM
bill hquote:
Originally posted by Bill N.Y.:
Everytime fuel goes up these hucksters come out of the woodwork.
Let's all recollect our memories on this stuff.
Mini Supercharger....a carb base spacer with a free-wheeling propellor and an air bleed.
Magnets that attach around the fuel line.
Gadgets sold at fairs that purported to allow your engine to run on water.
Fuel pressure regulators.
K&N air flters
Chevron F310 gasoline
Auburn triple electrode spark plugs.
Splitfire plugs
The Fish carburettor
Vapor injectors
Magic metal in the fuel line
Iskenderian mile a mor cam
Edelbrock SP2P manifold.
Slick 50
84 30T PeeThirty-Something, 502 powered
04-20-2006, 07:18 AM
Bill N.Y.Believe it or not I have found good use of our taxpayers money. While this doesn't happen often I feel it to be my civic responsibility to inform all of the good work of our government. Below, reprinted without permission
(I am however a very active & reluctant fund raiser of this organization) is a list of so called fuel saving devices.
Devices Tested by EPA...
The following list categorizes various types of "gas-saving" products, explains how they're used and gives product names.
Those with asterisks may save measurable, but small, amounts of gas. * Indicated a very small improvement in fuel economy but with an increase in exhaust emissions. According to Federal regulations, installation of this device could be considered illegal tampering.** Indicated a very small improvement in fuel economy without an increase in exhaust emissions. However, cost-effectiveness must be determined by the consumer for a particular application.All others have been found not to increase fuel economy.Air Bleed Devices. These devices bleed air into the carburetor. They usually are installed in the Positive Crankcase Ventilation line or as a replacement for idle-mixture screws.
The EPA has evaluated the following products: ADAKS Vacuum Breaker Air Bleed; Air-Jet Air Bleed; Aquablast Wyman Valve Air Bleed; Auto-Miser; Ball-Matic Air Bleed; Berg Air Bleed; Brisko PCV; Cyclone-Z; Econo Needle Air Bleed; Econo-Jet Air Bleed Idle Screws;
Fuel Max*; Gas Saving Device; Grancor Air Computer; Hot Tip; Landrum Mini-Carb; Landrum Retrofit Air Bleed; Mini Turbocharger Air Bleed; Monocar HC Control Air Bleed; Peterman Air Bleed; Pollution Master Air Bleed; Ram-Jet; Turbo-Dyne G.R. Valve.
Vapor Bleed Devices. These devices are similar to the air bleed devices, except that induced air is bubbled through a container of a water and anti-freeze mixture, usually located in the engine compartment.
The EPA has evaluated: Atomized Vapor Injector; Frantz Vapor Injection System; Hydro-Vac: POWERFUeL; Mark II Vapor Injection System; Platinum Gasaver; V-70 Vapor Injector; SCATPAC Vacuum Vapor Induction System: Econo-Mist Vacuum Vapor Injection System; Turbo Vapor Injection System.
Liquid Injection. These products add liquid into the fuel/air intake system and not directly into the combustion chamber.
The EPA has evaluated: Goodman Engine System-Model 1800;
Waag-Injection System*.
Ignition Devices. These devices are attached to the ignition system or are used to replace original equipment or parts.
The EPA has evaluated: Autosaver; Baur Condenser; BIAP Electronic Ignition Unit; Fuel Economizer; Magna Flash Ignition Control System; Paser Magnum/Paser 500/Paser 500 HEI; Special Formula Ignition Advance Springs.
Fuel Line Devices (heaters or coolers). These devices heat the fuel before it enters the carburetor. Usually, the fuel is heated by the engine coolant or by the exhaust or electrical system.
The EPA has evaluated: FuelXpander; Gas Meiser I; Greer Fuel Preheater; Jacona Fuel System; Optimizer; Russell Fuelmiser.
Fuel Line Devices (magnets). These magnetic devices, clamped to the outside of the fuel line or installed in the fuel line, claim to change the molecular structure of gasoline.
The EPA has evaluated: PETRO-MIZER; POLARION-X; Super-Mag Fuel Extender; Wickliff Polarizer [fuel line magnet/intake air magnet].
Fuel Line Devices (metallic). Typically, these devices contain several dissimilar metals that are installed in the fuel line, supposedly causing ionization of the fuel.
The EPA has evaluated: Malpassi Filter King [fuel pressure regulator]; Moleculetor.
Mixture Enhancers (under the carburetor). These devices are mounted between the carburetor and intake manifold and supposedly enhance the mixing or vaporization of the air/fuel mixture.
The EPA has evaluated: Energy Gas Saver; Environmental Fuel Saver; Gas Saving and Emission Control Improvement Device; Glynn-50; Hydro-Catalyst Pre-Combustion Catalyst System; PETROMIZER SYSTEM; Sav-A-Mile; Spritzer; Turbo-Carb; Turbocarb.
Mixture Enhancers (others). These devices make some general modifications to the vehicle intake system.
The EPA has evaluated: Basko Enginecoat; Dresser Economizer; Electro-Dyne Superchoke; Filtron Urethane Foam Filter; Lamkin Fuel Metering Device; Smith Power and Deceleration Governor.
Internal Engine Modifications. These devices make physical or mechanical function changes to the engine.
The EPA has evaluated:
ACDS Automotive Cylinder Deactivation System*; Dresser Economizer;
MSU Cylinder Deactivation*.
Accessory Drive Modifiers. These devices reduce power to specific auto accessories.
The EPA has evaluated:
Morse Constant Speed Accessory Drive **; P.A.S.S. Kit**; PASS Master Vehicle Air Conditioner**.Fuels and Fuel Additives. These materials are added to the gas tank.
The EPA has evaluated: Bycosin; EI-5 Fuel Additive; Fuelon Power; Johnson Fuel Additive; NRG #1 Fuel Additive; QEI 400 Fuel Additive; Rolfite Upgrade Fuel Additive; Sta-Power Fuel Additive; Stargas Fuel Additive; SYNeRGy-1; Technol G Fuel Additive; ULX-15/ULX-15D; Vareb 10 Fuel Additive; XRG #1 Fuel Additive.
Oils and Oil Additives. Usually these materials are poured into the crankcase.
The EPA has evaluated: Analube Synthetic Lubricant; Tephguard.
Driving Habit Modifiers. These are lights or sound devices to tell the driver to reduce acceleration or to shift gears.
The EPA has evaluated:
AUTOTHERM**; Fuel Conservation Device; Gastell; IDALERT**.Miscellaneous. The EPA has evaluated: BRAKE-EZ; Dynamix; Fuel Maximiser; Gyroscopic Wheel Cover;
Kamei Spoilers**; Kat's Engine Heater; Lee Exhaust and Fuel Gasification EGR; Mesco Moisture Extraction System; P.S.C.U. 01 Device; Treis Emulsifier.
Real Money Saving Things To Do!Real Money-Saving Steps:
There are numerous no- or low-cost steps you can take to combat rising gas prices. The most important place to start is at the gas pump; buy only the octane level gas you need. All gas pumps must post the octane rating of the gas under the FTC's Fuel Rating Rule. Remember, the higher the octane, the higher the price. Check your owner's manual to determine the right octane level for your car.
Drive more efficiently:
Stay within posted speed limits. The faster you drive, the more fuel you use. For example, driving at 65 miles per hour (mph), rather than 55 mph, increases fuel consumption by 20 percent. Driving at 75 mph, rather than 65 mph, increases fuel consumption by another 25 percent.
Use overdrive gears. Overdrive gears improve the fuel economy of your car during highway driving. Your car's engine speed decreases when you use overdrive. This reduces both fuel consumption and engine wear.
Use cruise control. Using cruise control on highway trips can help you maintain a constant speed and, in most cases, reduce your fuel consumption.
Anticipate driving situations. If you anticipate traffic conditions and don't tailgate, you can avoid unnecessary braking and acceleration, and improve your fuel economy by 5 to 10 percent. In city driving, nearly 50 percent of the energy needed to power your car goes to acceleration. Go easy on the gas pedal and brakes. "Jack-rabbit" starts and sudden stops are wasteful.
Avoid unnecessary idling. Turn off the engine if you anticipate a lengthy wait. No matter how efficient your car is, unnecessary idling wastes fuel, costs you money and pollutes the air.
Combine errands. Several short trips taken from a cold start can use twice as much fuel as one trip covering the same distance when the engine is warm.
Remove excess weight from the trunk. Avoid carrying unneeded items, especially heavy ones. An extra 100 pounds in the trunk reduces a typical car's fuel economy by one to two percent.
Maintain your car:
Keep your engine tuned. Studies have shown that a poorly tuned engine can increase fuel consumption by as much as 10 to 20 percent depending on a car's condition. Follow the recommended maintenance schedule in your owner's manual; you'll save fuel and your car will run better and last longer.
Keep your tires properly inflated and aligned. Car manufacturers must place a label in the car stating the correct tire pressure. The label usually is on the edge of the door or door jamb, in the glove box, or on the inside of the gas cap cover. If the label lists a psi (pounds per square inch) range, use the higher number to maximize your fuel efficiency. Underinflated tires cause fuel consumption to increase by six percent.
Change your oil. Clean oil reduces wear caused by friction between moving parts and removes harmful substances from the engine. Change your oil as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.
Check and replace air filters regularly. Your car's air filter keeps impurities in the air from damaging internal engine components. Not only will replacing a dirty air filter improve your fuel economy, it also will protect your engine. Clogged filters can cause up to a 10 percent increase in fuel consumption.
Consider buying a more fuel efficient vehicle:
Deciding which vehicle to buy may be the most important fuel economy decision you make. The difference between a car that gets 20 MPG (miles per gallon) and one that gets 30 MPG amounts to $3,000 over 5 years, assuming gas costs $3.00 per gallon and you drive 15,000 miles a year.
To reflect current prices. Next week it might be $3.50+
So if you have a 7 MPG gas coach and upgrade to a 10.5 MPG diesel coach... It might make sense for a full timer. You would have to go 75,000 miles in 5 years to save (difference) $10,714.50 bucks.
7 MPG x 2142.90 gallons = 15,000 miles @ 3.00 = $6428.70
10.5 mpg x 1428.60 gallons = 15,000 miles @ 3.00 = $4,285.80
Savings of $2,142.90
So, if you traveled for 5 years @ 15,000 miles per year then your savings would be $10,714.50 for 75,000 miles of use.
The real world tells us that most of us will never drive 15,000 miles (a year) in an RV. A full timer might so a diesel makes sense.
If we took a 10% of those numbers and said that we travel 1,500 miles a year then the numbers are $642.87 gas $428.58 diesel or a savings of $214.29 Gas v. Diesel.
20% or 3,000 miles $1285.74 Gas Vs. $857.16 Diesel = a difference of $428.58
Also keep in mind that diesel normally cost more then gas so some of this would be offset
While fuel cost means something the longevity of a diesel vs. gas and or the cost difference for maintenence or repairs really doesn't show everything. The big question is "How do I use my coach?"
(edit end)
Still sad
(edit end)
Don't take my word for it?
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04-20-2006, 11:52 AM
bill hOne gadget that used to be sold for fuel saving was a vacuum gage. They are legitimate. The idea is to use a light throttle, and particularly to keep the vacuum high enough for the power enrichment to stay out of the curcuit, or at least to minimize its use. That is usually above 10 or 11 inches on a Qjet. I had a 76 Olds that had one built into the instrument panel. It had red, amber and green zones on its face. Of course, they only work on gas engines, not diesels.
In the fifties, there were Mobil Economy Runs, and the winners always said to drive like you had an egg on the gas pedal. Popular Mechanics and Mechanix Illustrated had articles every year. Anyone remember Tom McCahill? What a character he was. And Floyd Clymer.
84 30T PeeThirty-Something, 502 powered
04-20-2006, 01:06 PM
Bill N.Y.If you want a good read then check out this post when fuel was only 2.50 a gallon. It took up 8 pages and had an insane number of hits. A refresher for all.
Once upon a time, not that long ago, in a place far, far away... See what happens when they get you thinking that 2.50 was a bargain?
04-20-2006, 04:57 PM
olroyFifty plus years ago, Tom McCahill was one of my heroes. I remember when the first Sports car mags started, (Road & Track in 1950 or '51) the snooty sports car types turned up their noses his writing style which was at the very least entertaining.
He's the guy who invented the 0-60 time as a performance benchmark. I remember the 1949 Jag XK 120 did it in 9.6 seconds or so - outrageously super performance for those days. Today most any econobox can beat that, & be criticized for lack of power.
I bet if I dug deep enough into the stash of old auto mags I've dragged around for years, I could find one of his road tests.
04-20-2006, 10:47 PM
stuallenBill H, The vacuum guage still works with port fuel injected engines. One of the inputs used by the computer to schedule fuel is manifold absolute pressure (vacuum). If you drive while trying to maintain high vacuum, you will minimize the fuel requirements and maximize fuel economy (just as we did in carburetor days). Obviously it doesn't work with the diesel.
04-21-2006, 12:10 AM
bill hYeah, Stu, you're right on that. I don't know what I was thinking.
84 30T PeeThirty-Something, 502 powered