04-08-2011, 12:45 AM
bill hquote:
Originally posted by Dana:
They seem to be about the same as the Breakaways of that time (94)
I wonder what all the differences are.
Paint seems to be a couple years ahead of it time?
04-08-2011, 01:54 AM
Bill N.Y.quote:
Originally posted by Dana:
They seem to be about the same as the Breakaways of that time (94)
Originally posted by bill h:
I wonder what all the differences are.
Interesting - I wonder too.
Looking at the data tag project might give us a few clues.
04-08-2011, 10:58 AM
bill hHey, Dana............Whenever I see "Waseca, MN", I remember Herter's.
Do you remember them? I lived out of their catalog from the late '40s to the late '60s. What ever happened to them? I still use some of their reloading dies from way way back.
Anybody else remember them? As a lad, I learned to read studying their catalog, well before they got around to it in the one room schoolhouse I attended. I think there were several around the house and one in the car.
When I had asked my dad too many questions while he was driving, he would pass the catalog back and say, "Here's something to read." It was a sure way to have some peace in the car on long trips.

Herter's is still part of us - Cabela's! We still produce Decoys, Ammo and some clothing under the Herter's name. I used to stop and get stuff at Ruhr-America at Glenwood, MN when that was an outlet for them before they went out of business. When Cabela's bought them they kept producing Decoys at Beaver Dam, Wisc for many years. I have lost track of what has happened the last 1/2 dozen years.