03-09-2005, 12:01 PM
<zeeksgold>Looking for Door Lock Assembly - Keeler(sp?)
We are looking for a Keeler or Keelor Door lock assembly for a 1979 Barth class A motor home.
We are having a devil of a time finding one. Does anyone have one they are willing to sell or know of a place we can try to purchase one.
Thanks for your help,
Jim and Betty
The Village Goldsmith - Where quality does'nt cost more, it pays.
03-09-2005, 03:17 PM
timnlanaThe door locks we have on our older rigs are no longer made. I spent some effort in Los Angeles looking for a replacement. I ended up with a new on from a local store and built trim plates in polished stainless to cover the gaps caused by the different dimensions of the locks. On my old lock the ignition key opened the door, I have not worked out a way to use the old cylinder and now we have two keys.
On mine the inside handle broke. If you need something other than the handle or cylinder let me know, the old one is in the goodie pile in my garage.
[This message has been edited by timnlana (edited March 09, 2005).]
01-02-2011, 12:42 PM
BIG WALLYI know this is a old post but would you still have the door lock assembly? And do you want to sell it even with a broken handle? you can e mail me @ bigwally@live.com
Thanks Wally
01-04-2011, 12:19 AM
lenny and judysend ma a pic of it. is it aside opening lever on the outside?
01-04-2011, 09:45 AM
BIG WALLYThanks for responding so quickly can i have a email address to send some pictures?
01-04-2011, 10:36 AM
BIG WALLYAnother good saying is minds are like parachuts they only work when opend.
01-10-2011, 05:24 PM
lenny and judyDid you get the lock Wally if you do not know how my number is 1-239 659-1672