06-01-2010, 04:06 PM
scargoGenerator oil Filter on 4.5 KCM21 RV
How do you locate the oil filter on your Kohler 4.5 KCM21 RV generator?
06-01-2010, 04:18 PM
bill hCould yours be a 4.5 CKM21-RV? That one has the K engine, which may or may not have a filter.
Don't know much about your 4.5, but on the 5.5 the bottom of the filter can be seen sticking through the sheet metal shrouding on the left (engine)side.
Lemme know if you need a picture.
06-01-2010, 04:28 PM
RustyThe 3.6/4.0 have no filter
06-01-2010, 06:49 PM
bill hThere are at least two 4.5s. One is a twin. One is not.
Which is yours?
06-03-2010, 03:17 PM
Bill N.Y.quote:
Originally posted by bill h:
There are at least two 4.5s. One is a twin...
I just got off the phone with Greg, he's got a "twin" engine.
Here is the image he sent me Bill H
Here is where the filter on mine is located.
I use a NAPA 1348 Oil Filter
Mine is a larger engine. K582 Kohler 23 HP
06-03-2010, 04:30 PM
bill hMine is rather like yours.
We had a bunch of equipment at work with both Kohler and Onan twins. Having a Kohler, myself, I stared at the Kohlers now and then. I recall some had filters, and some didn't. I think the ones that had filters had them near the dipstick/filler, close to the engine fins. I have a picture of one in one of my manuals that shows the oil filter and some fins, but it is zoomed in too much to give an overall view. Kohler says if no filter, change oil every 25 hours.
06-03-2010, 05:50 PM
scargoThanks one and all. I couldn't imagine a motor without a filter. This one kind of caught me by surprise. I will simply change the oil and hope for the best.
06-03-2010, 06:20 PM
bill hquote:
Originally posted by scargo:
I couldn't imagine a motor without a filter.
The early series K17 had only a splash/spray pump, hence no filter. Do you know the serial number of your engine? I'm gonna make a WAG here and say that Kohler decided that a constant speed engine was not stressed enough to need anything but a splash oil system. Honda still does that, even on variable speed engines. Neither of my three Honda portables have a filter. My 6K Honda RV genset (constant speed)does have a filter.
I called in to the grnd eqpt shop at work, but all the guys I knew who
Knew Stuff retired.
I have never had lawn or garden equipment that had a filter. Motorcycles only started fairly recently with filters. They were optional with Harleys for a long time. Cars either had no filter or just a bypass filter for quite a while, too. I think it was late forties when US cars started with full flow, but quite a bit later when most were full flow. The VW beetle was really late in getting an oil filter at all, let alone a full flow one.
Light aircraft engines didn't get filters until early sixties, or so. They did have a screen, but it just told you it was too late, and it was time to cancel the next flight.