02-01-2022, 05:53 PM
Steve VWDonations to fund Barthmobile.com
As we know, Barthmobile.com is operated by our gracious site host, Bill NY. There are no ads or banners to generate revenue. Bill has been kind enough to operate the site for about 15 years now.
Bill is too kind and generous to ask for donations himself. I do not know how much it costs to operate the site but I know it is not free. Bill has never stated what it costs to keep the site running, nor how much he spends out of his pocket.
I donate every year, usually in January. This year, I forgot until today. Over the years I have received great rewards from this site, from technical advice, to meeting friends and attending enjoyable events.
I encourage members to help Bill by donating what they can, if they can. To be clear, DONATIONS ARE NOT REQUIRED, but they are appreciated.
This site continues to be a unique source of RV technical advice. Our archives are second to none. Considering the small number of Barth owners, and the even smaller number who post here, our forums are widely used. If you Google almost any RV topic, you will most likely get a link to here, not the Winnebago sites, or Bluebird sites with so many more owners.
Personally, I have tried to contribute both financially and with technical threads. My most popular thread is the 454HO Engine Swap, with over 72,000 views now! I recently totalled the views of my threads and was stunned to find over 600,000 views. Obviously, there are many outside users who come to the site for the information we have.
In summary, I would like to encourage our members to help Bill keep this valuable site alive for the benefit of all.
There is a PayPal link on the home page which is very easy to use.
If you prefer to pay with a check, please make it payable to:
Bill Napolitano
Mail to...
Attn: Barthmobile
RDR Reliable Diesel Repair
PO Box 2305
Newburgh, New York 12550
02-02-2022, 10:14 AM
Duane88I see your supporting member tag has been updated, I sent my donation in a couple of weeks ago and no update yet, how do you rate!!! LMao
Yes let's all help keep our great site alive and healthy!
02-02-2022, 11:21 AM
Steve VWI talked to Bill yesterday to make sure I had his address right. With the subfreezing temps in New York, Bill is working around the clock trying to keep trucks rolling. His own truck broke down yesterday and he is in the process of moving into another newer truck.
He has intentions of working on the site as soon as he can, to improve photo posting and catch up on Supporting Member badges, etc. He asked me to text any Badge requests and he will try to get them done.
Are there any others who need the badges updated? Reply here or PM me. I will send Bill a list.
03-27-2022, 09:25 PM
Walt R.According to USPS:
https://pe.usps.com/text/pub28/28c2_004.htmThe ATTN line goes above the company name.
ATTN Barthmobile
RDR Reliable Diesel Repair
PO Box 2305
Newburgh, New York 12550
03-27-2022, 10:36 PM
Steve VWthanks Walt. Corrected my post above.