01-11-2005, 10:35 PM
roy hawkoh no..another contest.!!
I am currently in the process of writing a song about truckdrivers..since i dont travel coast to coast i thought i'd ask for some help from you barth travelers!! i need a name of a place (chain store) that is spread out across the u.s. that truck drivers would recognize when they hear the name..will be looking for that certain name that flows with the song..the name i choose will receive a demo version(at home)(sorry no studio musicians here) of the song (cd).. if the same name is submitted by several people the first to respond will win...hey another contest!! this site gets better every day!! thanks roy..
77 21' 454
livin in beautiful southern illinois
01-11-2005, 11:15 PM
01-12-2005, 12:31 AM
lancerWallmart ,wally world Bill
[This message has been edited by lancer (edited January 11, 2005).]
01-12-2005, 12:52 AM
timnlanaI stop a PILOT to fill up ever since Pigley Wigley got the greasy spoon.
That will be one BARTH Aluminum logo and a long neck, see my business manager to arrange payment I carry no cash. A CD of Mahler’s 9th symphony may be substituted for the long neck
[This message has been edited by timnlana (edited January 11, 2005).]
01-12-2005, 11:55 AM
bubbiebarth2Only one "NAME" fit the TRUCKERS "FLYING J"
Jay&Shelby 95 Barth Regency 34ft. Cummins 300 hp.
Spartan MM.
[This message has been edited by bubbiebarth2 (edited January 12, 2005).]
01-13-2005, 12:12 AM
Danny ZCan't forget "Aweful Waffle". Waffle House, to the uninitiated.
Dan & Suzy Z
'81 Euro 28
01-14-2005, 06:04 PM
roy hawkFLYING J is the winner..fits perfect!! thanks to all!!
01-14-2005, 06:24 PM
bubbiebarth2Big rigs keep on rolling to "FLYING J" In a CONVEY!!Breaker!breaker! Baby Jo-Ann! are you there Baby!Hey I"M here! Jay are you flying down thur Utah again? ! Thank Roy!
Jay&Shelby 95 Barth Regency 34ft. 8.3 Cummins 300 hp.
Spartan K2 MM.
[This message has been edited by bubbiebarth2 (edited January 14, 2005).]
[This message has been edited by bubbiebarth2 (edited January 14, 2005).]
01-15-2005, 01:22 AM
roy hawkbetween the winabagel joke and daves artistic abilities/humor its obvious winter season is taking its toll!! great job..keep it up..spring will be here soon...
77 21' 454
livin in beautiful southern illinois
01-31-2005, 07:04 PM
bubbiebarth2Got the CD today:Hey I can't stop playing it! Thank Roy it "GREAT" Breaker!Breaker! Come in there Baby Blue Jean!Thank again Roy
Jay&Shelby 95 Barth Regency 34ft. 8.3 Cummins 300 hp.
Spartan K2 MM.
01-31-2005, 07:09 PM
davebowersOK all you geezers out there. Anyone remember Stuckeys fudge?? And all the cedar stuff they sold??
01-31-2005, 11:49 PM
carlflackI DO....I DO....I DO....I DO....I DO....carl
THE TOY 88 33' Regal SE Coach #3448