Barthmobile Portal
Where are the Class Cs?
03-25-2021, 01:53 PM
Ian and LynnetteWhere are the Class Cs?
I think I read on this forum that there may have been as few as fifty Class Cs ever built. I sure would like to know how many are left. I believe there are only three Class C owners left on Which years were the Cs made? From internet searches I have found examples claiming to be from 1973 through 1978. Also, I wonder what the age range was for the 19-footers as opposed to the 22s. Any data, or guesses?
03-25-2021, 02:32 PM
Steve VWAs you have discovered, these are among the most rare Barths. I suspect well under fifty.
Our Data Tag forum lists seven:
7308 1408 M19 GM
7408 1556 M19 GM
7411 1613 M19 GM (yours)
7506 1689 M19 GM
7602 1834 M22 GM
7606 1910 M22 GM
7606 1911 M22 Dodge
7607 1938 M22 GM
7710 2026 M22 GM (found this one in a thread posting)
There is even one in Denmark! (Member Timan)
7405 1500 M19
Member Doorman (Craig) has a 76 22 ft, not sure if it is one of these. Besides you, Craig is the only active member owner I am aware of. Member Ryegal had a 75 but has not posted since 2019.
There have been a couple seen for sale on Craigslist, etc, in the past but we have not heard of their fates. Your internet searches may have found others.
These are rare indeed. Sadly I'm sure there are a few sitting in someone's back yard, wasting away. Let us know if you find more. Good luck!
Have Barth, will travel

"98" Monarch 37
Spartan MM, 6 spd Allison
Cummins 8.3 325+ hp
03-25-2021, 03:14 PM
Ian and LynnetteThere is a pattern in those tags. Could just be chance, but it looks like the 19s were 1973-75 and the 22s were 1976+. I also note that, in the two catalogues I have seen, only the 22M is listed, suggesting Barth did not make both sizes at the same time - which makes sense for a small limited-run outfit.
The 22M must be on a longer wheelbase than our 19M which is 125 inches.
03-25-2021, 05:06 PM
Steve VWThere was mention of one on a Ford chassis but I don't know year or length. There was also a 78 22ft for sale. It does appear early ones were 19ft and later 22ft. Craig has a 22ft, could probably give you his wheel base.
Our list is very incomplete but except 1910 and 1911 (one GM and one Dodge!) I don't think there was any series production. It seems few Barths were built on spec, most were ordered and built to the buyer's specifications. That is why we rarely see any two the same. Probably the same for Class C units.
Have Barth, will travel

"98" Monarch 37
Spartan MM, 6 spd Allison
Cummins 8.3 325+ hp
03-26-2021, 04:46 AM
DoormanI have posted that there are less than 50 or less C's were built. could be more like 25. Of the ones that I have seen post over the years have been yours, Ryegals, One from Fla.(that was shipped to Denmark) One that Was posted last weak from N.Y. I have seen post of Dodge and a 78 chevy. Until year or so there was a Ford 77 or 78 that was about 10 mile away from me. It had a 460 in it. The coach was painted in a tan color. If I get a chance I will see what ever happened to it. Our is a 22m. I probably saved it from the scrap yard. I am glad I got it up and on the road. It is a great size. I love the front doors and roll up windows with wings. (remember those). A few members have had a chance to see it at Tenn. and Milford GTG. Also at Barthtober. Have not put the miles on it that I was. I hope you get to use your a lot now that spring and summer are coming .
1986 31' Regal -1976 Class C
454/T400 P30 -350/T400 G30
twin cntr beds - 21' rear bath
03-26-2021, 12:19 PM
Ian and LynnetteThanks Doorman. Well "spring" is a month away here, still snow on the ground, and we don't dare fill the water until early May. We are picking away at getting it ready and have planned a handful of short, close-by outings to see how it goes.
I have found photos of twenty different Class Cs on the internet (including this site) but it is hard to know how many are still around.
Have you posted a photo of your C on this forum? I would love to see it.
03-26-2021, 05:48 PM
Doorman Class C
1986 31' Regal -1976 Class C
454/T400 P30 -350/T400 G30
twin cntr beds - 21' rear bath
03-28-2021, 02:03 AM
Ian and LynnetteI put together a collection of Class C photos, mostly from this site, and organized them by year. corrections and additions are most welcome!, 06:50 AM
DoormanGreat job, I'll see if I can locate Ford that used to be parked about 10 mile from me.
1986 31' Regal -1976 Class C
454/T400 P30 -350/T400 G30
twin cntr beds - 21' rear bath
03-28-2021, 07:43 AM
Harold,Cat&SamThat was real nice

Sam Miniature Schnauzer
3.8.2009 - 9.24.2021
93 30ft Breakaway
03-28-2021, 08:42 AM
Steve VWquote:
Originally posted by Ian and Lynnette:
I put together a collection of Class C photos, mostly from this site, and organized them by year. corrections and additions are most welcome!
Wow! That is exceptional! It looks like we have a new Class C expert on the site!

Thanks for your efforts!
Have Barth, will travel

"98" Monarch 37
Spartan MM, 6 spd Allison
Cummins 8.3 325+ hp
03-28-2021, 02:49 PM
Ian and Lynnettequote:
It looks like we have a new Class C expert on the site!
Haha, not at all. If putting together a few photos makes an "expert", it is an indication of how little is known about the Class Cs.
I hope to add to the photo collection over time. I am already surprised at how may photos there were, indicating that 15 years ago there were still quite a few survivors. Not so many now I guess. Happy to be one of them.