Barthmobile Portal
The Saga of 71
The Saga of 71
Originally posted by Duane88:
Dana has gone too far, this is the second worst flood in 20 years or so. Davenport has doubled their temporary flood dam downtown; our river front restaurant parking lot is half under water. Do not think the Mississippi River has reached its crest in our pool yet.
Those of us in the know, will be sending Santa Claus a bad report card on Dana!!!
Just took a quick look at the National Weather Service Hydro report. Looks like we still have over 2 foot to go before the Mississippi river crest in our pool. If this holds water (ha Ha) this will be the worst flood in many years!!
Been pretty cool and rain on and off, so not much accomplished on the 71, this week looks like better weather and a bit warmer.
My river’s barely running.
Dana & Lynn
1997 38ft Monarch front entry
Spartan Mountain Master Chassis
Cummins 8.3 325hp
Allison MD-3060 6 speed
22.5 11R
Cummins Factory Exhaust Brake
8000 watt Quiet Diesel Generator
Christened Midnight
1972 22ft
Christened Camp Barth
04-26-2023, 02:46 PM
Duane88Tried to get going on the brake booster change out. Got 71 up about a foot and crawled under it. My ole vertigo got the best of me. Sicker than snake on the road, got to go get some Dramamine.
1971 24 ft Barth Continental
P30 chassis
350 engine
04-26-2023, 03:53 PM
Steve VWquote:
Originally posted by Duane88:
Got 71 up about a foot and crawled under it.
Like the song says,"I got friends in low places..."
Next time don't bump the black tank valve open....

"98" Monarch 37
Spartan MM, 6 spd Allison
Cummins 8.3 325+ hp
04-26-2023, 05:09 PM
Duane88This is really bad so dizzy, I can not even drink beer!!!!
1971 24 ft Barth Continental
P30 chassis
350 engine
04-27-2023, 07:35 PM
Duane88Did a bit of work on 71 today. Tapped on the tear area a little, with enough work it probably could be straightened out allowing a smaller piece to fill in the void. The sheet metal guy made a piece that was awful, he is trying again but have my doubts.
Readjusted the brakes now have plenty of pedal, but just like power brakes without vacuum pushing the pedal is very hard to produce a stop, takes everything I have to stop from 15 mph. Kinda afraid to take it on the road until there are working power brakes.
1971 24 ft Barth Continental
P30 chassis
350 engine
04-30-2023, 12:43 PM
Duane88Things are not progressing very fast on 71. Checked with the sheet metal guy, they screwed up and used all the aluminum he had and ordered more to screw up wonder how much he is going to charge me??
The fuel pump went south, ordered a new one should be here this week. Sent an email to the remote vacuum assist folks, getting a bit of a run around from them, they gave me a UPS tracking number that only says a label was created.
Have electric fuel pumps thinking about changing to one of those, keep the new manual as a back-up.
Now the weather is pretty chilly and windy for the next couple of days.
To top things off our Minnesnowta friend Dana has flooded our river front, parking lot and lower level of this restaurant completely under water! Mississippi River is about 2 foot from its all time high.
1971 24 ft Barth Continental
P30 chassis
350 engine
05-02-2023, 02:00 PM
Steve VWDana sends you water but we get his snow!

On my coach!
Nice day in May to work on the coach??....

Yeah, yeah and I’m running my sprinkler and watering my trees because it’s dry here.
Dana & Lynn
1997 38ft Monarch front entry
Spartan Mountain Master Chassis
Cummins 8.3 325hp
Allison MD-3060 6 speed
22.5 11R
Cummins Factory Exhaust Brake
8000 watt Quiet Diesel Generator
Christened Midnight
1972 22ft
Christened Camp Barth
05-04-2023, 11:39 AM
Duane88Finally got the new Remote Brake Booster's, took all afternoon but got the olds ones out! The vacuum side of the old units was filled with oil, don't know is that is normal.
Looks like 71 is going to need new brake lines, the routing and connection fittings are different on the new units.
Dana sent all his moisture to Iowa, and Michigan. Now he is complaining he has none for his fauna, all I can say is live and learn ole chum!!
1971 24 ft Barth Continental
P30 chassis
350 engine
05-08-2023, 04:49 PM
Duane88Sometimes as a guy owned by a Barth I can be pretty stupid! As stated earlier the fuel pump quit pumping fuel, assumed of course the pump went bad, ordered a new one and installed it. Still no fuel being pumped. Hooked up an electric fuel pump and still no fuel, decided the fuel sock in the tank was plugged, blew some air into the tank from the fuel pump tube, tried the electric pump again, nothing. so sucked on the fuel line, all I got was foul tasteing air. the replacement fuel tank pick-up is all steel so no rubber to go bad, this one either has a hole above the fuel level or has a piece of 50 year old rubber above the fuel level that is shot, guess I have to drop the ******* fuel tank, the tank top is just to close to the floor to try and cut a hole in it. Already lost two days messing with this!
1971 24 ft Barth Continental
P30 chassis
350 engine
Duane when cutting with close clearance I have had good luck using a vibratory tool/multi tool what ever you want to call it. Just go slow and I wrapped multiple layers of electrical tape at the depth to safeguard a slip. Only a how I do but not a what you should do.
Dana & Lynn
1997 38ft Monarch front entry
Spartan Mountain Master Chassis
Cummins 8.3 325hp
Allison MD-3060 6 speed
22.5 11R
Cummins Factory Exhaust Brake
8000 watt Quiet Diesel Generator
Christened Midnight
1972 22ft
Christened Camp Barth
05-09-2023, 10:11 AM
Steve VWYou know my feelings on the GM fuel system. If you want to get it right, remove the gas cap and air filter and replace everything between. Don't forget extra large filters...

Good luck getting into that tank. I was able cut a floor hole for one tank in the 86. It worked well, pretty easy. The other tank had some clearance above so I could get the tank bung loose and then bypass the filter sock/fuel pump. Not enough clearance to remove the old pump but that tank had a return line barb and a vent line barb so I extended the return line to the tank bottom and used it for suction and hooked the return line to the vent. With the big primary filters I mounted near the tanks I never had tank feed problems again. I don't blame you for not wanting to drop tanks. Biggy messy job.
"98" Monarch 37
Spartan MM, 6 spd Allison
Cummins 8.3 325+ hp
05-09-2023, 02:49 PM
Duane88Hey a bit of luck on ole 71 today, traced down the fuel line back to the tank looks to be all steel except where it connects to pump and tank.
Someone or the factory, opened two 4 inch connecting round holes under the water tank above the fuel gauge sending unit. the fuel pick up is a fitting beside it the sending unit is in a separate openings. The fuel pick-up seems to just be a hole in the tank with a rod, going down, hopefully not rubber. the water tank even after all these dormant years was about half full of water and leaked fluid everywhere as I was removing it. Have to wait for it to dry a bit before proceeding. Do not want to get water in the fuel tank, well anymore than age has already put in it.
In the picture you can also see gauge sending unit and the rubber fuel line going to its fitting. Will probably make the hole a bit bigger so I can get the fuel pick-up out.
Guess its time to return to the power brake replacement project.
1971 24 ft Barth Continental
P30 chassis
350 engine
05-09-2023, 03:58 PM
FlatheadGet a mirror, a camera, or some device to inspect the top of the tank while you are at it. My 1973 tank was a rectangular box, most likely the same as yours. The top was somewhat drooped in the center where it collected moisture, dirt, salt, and generally road grime. When I got it out it was full of pin holes. Very dangerous situation. I removed it from the side as the 1 x 1 tubing that holds the skirt was in bad shape and needed replacing. Drilled out the rivets, pulled the skirt, and pulled the tank out the side. I built a new 40 gallon tank from .09 aluminum and used a modern sending/pickup unit. I welded the tubing back in as there wasn't any gas in the new tank. If I did it again, I'd bolt the tubing for ease of removal.
05-09-2023, 07:18 PM
Duane88Thanks for that Info Flathead, the fuel pick-up brass fitting is really tight in the tank fitting so far have not been able to loosen it. They probably used a good thread locking fluid on it. To get leverage to loosen it going to have make the access hole even bigger than I already did. Sucked on a tube put on the fitting and can not get anything but air so pretty sure the pick-up tube is the problem.
1971 24 ft Barth Continental
P30 chassis
350 engine