08-08-2005, 08:43 PM
thomfeitBarth On The Road
Sunday, August 7, as I was driving our new Barth from the Chicago area to Indianapolis I passed a "cousin" Barth going north. It was on I-65, about 20 miles north of Lafayette, IN at about 4 PM. Anyone in this group the driver? It was a silver and red Breakaway (?), much like the one several months ago on eBay from AZ.
I was so focused on my driving - the first time in this unit - that I almost missed the passing. I tooted, but it was too late.
By the way - my wife and I are the owners of that 1990 38' Regency Widebody that Sandy Johnson had in IL. We will move on to North Ft. Myers, FL where we live.
Happy trails.
Not the driver in this case, but I also passed a Barth today, on Rt. 125 S in Rochester New Hampshire. Picked up my corn at the farm stand, and re-traced the route and found the 22 foot Barth parked at local market shopping center. I visited with drivers for a bit. These guys are on a tour on the USA and Canada. They love their Barth, and it was a fun visit. Was it Dale that said "isn't it fun" on this board recently, yes it is.
89 Barth Regal 32
Runs like a Deere
New Hampshire
08-08-2005, 10:33 PM
Stay in touch Thom and Barb.
08-13-2005, 02:47 AM
barbfeitWe saw another Barth on the trip to FL. Between Dothan AL and GA, on US 84, parked infront of a small company. It looked to be an early 90s Regency. Should have turned around to talk - but we moved on down the road.
08-13-2005, 05:39 PM
Sloop John BSaw a Large mostly black Barth going towards Chicago on I-88 (East-west toll road) pulling large trailer , very nice looking combo. This was about 7 to 10 days ago. JKB