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Barth On The Road

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08-08-2005, 08:43 PM
Barth On The Road
Sunday, August 7, as I was driving our new Barth from the Chicago area to Indianapolis I passed a "cousin" Barth going north. It was on I-65, about 20 miles north of Lafayette, IN at about 4 PM. Anyone in this group the driver? It was a silver and red Breakaway (?), much like the one several months ago on eBay from AZ.

I was so focused on my driving - the first time in this unit - that I almost missed the passing. I tooted, but it was too late.

By the way - my wife and I are the owners of that 1990 38' Regency Widebody that Sandy Johnson had in IL. We will move on to North Ft. Myers, FL where we live.

Happy trails.
08-08-2005, 09:14 PM
Not the driver in this case, but I also passed a Barth today, on Rt. 125 S in Rochester New Hampshire. Picked up my corn at the farm stand, and re-traced the route and found the 22 foot Barth parked at local market shopping center. I visited with drivers for a bit. These guys are on a tour on the USA and Canada. They love their Barth, and it was a fun visit. Was it Dale that said "isn't it fun" on this board recently, yes it is.

89 Barth Regal 32
Runs like a Deere
New Hampshire

08-08-2005, 10:33 PM

Stay in touch Thom and Barb.

08-13-2005, 02:47 AM
We saw another Barth on the trip to FL. Between Dothan AL and GA, on US 84, parked infront of a small company. It looked to be an early 90s Regency. Should have turned around to talk - but we moved on down the road.

08-13-2005, 05:39 PM
Sloop John B
Saw a Large mostly black Barth going towards Chicago on I-88 (East-west toll road) pulling large trailer , very nice looking combo. This was about 7 to 10 days ago. JKB