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2009 Florida GTG Hillsborough State Park

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09-01-2009, 03:58 PM
Danny Z
2009 Florida GTG Hillsborough State Park
Site 42 is a 30 footer with full shade. If your a little long just BS them, there's plenty of room. This would pretty much give us a full Barth row, but there are plenty of other sites in the area so don't give up if somebody grabs 42. Just get 51d or any of the other ones nearby. The main thing is getting reserved with the park. We'll work out the food and stuff when we're closer to the GTG.

79 Barth Classic
09-13-2009, 03:43 PM
Jim & Barb
OK! Count Jim & Barb in for the Hillsborough River State Park Rally.
We took #075.
See you there.......

1985 Barth Regency 35 ft

Have to stop now---lighting & thunder near the house.
09-13-2009, 08:19 PM
Nick Cagle
Danny, your "little" outing is up to 13 coaches and growing!!! cheers

09-13-2009, 08:55 PM
Danny Z
Looking forward to seeing you Jim&Barb. Good choice of site. You'll be back to back with some and across from others. Looks like 42 is still available for the right size coach. Hope everybody is starting to think about Saturday night chow. We'll get it together as the time gets closer, but go ahead and think about it and any questions- suggestions you might have.

79 Barth Classic
09-17-2009, 10:39 AM
Jim & Barb
Hey Dan,

I'm working hard to get my Barth back together.
Carl stopped by a week or so ago with a shotgun and said Get It Together -cause your going, we need more Barths at the rally--just kidding about the threat & shotgun. He did see the "mess" I had. I am redoing the table top, kitchen counter top and back splash area and refinishing some of the wood trim. Hope to have everything back together for the rally including the kitchen sink which is out. Sure am getting tried of the heat & rain in trying to finish. Barb said she sure likes what I have finished so far--that's very important.

1985 Barth Regency 35 ft
09-17-2009, 02:22 PM
And I must say, Jim is doing a super job. I am very envious and am now wanting a Regency, I may make an offer.........

Former owner of "THE TOY"
1988 Barth Regal SE 33' Tag
1992 Barth Breakaway 32'
2005 Coachmen Mirada 32' DS

09-20-2009, 08:13 AM
lenny and judy
HOPING TO BE THERE. Just have to see what kind of cash is left after Washington.Need more play money.I know it is a 500 mile trip but they pile up.

lenny and judy
32', Regency, Cummins 8.3L, Spartan Chassis, 1992
Tag# 9112 0158 32RS 1B
09-20-2009, 11:06 AM
Danny Z
I wouldn't wait too long to make reservations. I believe there is an $8 cancellation charge so that's all you'll be out if you can't make it.
Sites 51b 51d and 76 are all 50amp and plenty big for any coach. You're technically 2 feet over for 42 but you can just say it's a 30 and there won't be a problem. Hope you and anyone else thinking about it can make it.

79 Barth Classic
09-20-2009, 03:46 PM
lenny and judy
Danny I made the reservations today 51b I know what it is
pm me lenny

lenny and judy
32', Regency, Cummins 8.3L, Spartan Chassis, 1992
Tag# 9112 0158 32RS 1B
09-25-2009, 08:54 AM
Danny Z
Update time. We have 14 reserved sites so far. Looks like 42 is GONE so I have to assume some SOB snagged it. Too bad, it would have given us a looong stretch of Barthland. 51d and 76 are available and will be adjacent to Barthmobilers. Check out the map and get your site if you haven't already.
32-Morris & Candy
33-Richard & Robin
34-Carl Flack
36-Danny Z
38-Deb& Ed
39-Nick Cagle
40-Corey & Cheri
43-Jim & Patty
44-Carl Feren
51b-lenny & judy
51c-Billy Thibodeaux & Helen
75-Jim & Barb Rustige
Mary Ray, sneakin' in and staying wherever she don't get caught! Wink We're lovin' it!!!

79 Barth Classic
09-25-2009, 09:18 AM
Nick Cagle
Danny, Mary Ray is planning on coming. She is not bringing a Barth. She will be tent camping and staying on our site. She has checked with the park to see if that will be okay.

09-25-2009, 04:46 PM
Danny Z
Most excellent news Nick! I redid the roster, thanks for both heads up, and it should be known that Florida State Parks are pretty casual when it comes to guests. The rule seems to be that if it fits on the campsite and doesn't bother anyone else it's OK. In any case, we'll be outnumbering the rangers by a good 4 to 1, so no problem! Big Grin

79 Barth Classic
09-26-2009, 02:29 AM
Dick Dubbs
IAC I'm still hoping to find a way to get there, maybe with some firewood

#1 29' 1977parted out and still alive in Barths all over the USA

10-15-2009, 09:25 AM
Danny Z
Now that the DC GTG is a fond memory to those who made it there, it's time to start some serious thinking about Hillsborough. As of now sites 30, 51a, 73, 72, 71, and 77 are available and within shoutin' distance. If you want to start talking about Saturday night's food orgy, it's never too early. If needed, I can get my hands on some catering quality sterno trays for hot foods. There's no way you can cook enough of one thing for everybody, so just figure on 6-8, and we should have plenty. Any comments, suggestions, or observations from the DC crowd are welcome.

79 Barth Classic
10-15-2009, 05:39 PM
Tom Johns
Danny Z, would our coach squeeze into site 30? Tom