09-11-2019, 09:19 PM
Duane88Summer finally
How about a Midwest GTG to finish out the summer and start fall, we could include a weekend so those souls that still are employed do not have to miss a lot of work.
Perhaps we could do Minnesnowta, Wisconsin or Michigan.
Any thoughts???
Sorry Duane there was not lot of chatter on this. I guess everyone is busy. I believe I will be winteriizing Midnight soon. Hunting season has started and I have no time. I just got my sausage made from last falls deer the other week. Made 30 pounds of Boudin
09-30-2019, 10:00 PM
Steve VWMy coach was in the shop for almost 2 weeks, now I am in the UP to haul Dad's boat. Should be easier than ever, Lake Superior is at an all time high water level.
Been pretty busy. Perhaps next year we can do it! (PS made it across the Mackinac bridge this time and nothing fell off!)
Have Barth, will travel