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MO: 1987 Barth Regal 32' (For Sale Again - Scroll Down)
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Supporting Member of 3/19
Picture of Mogan David
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I suppose the pics in Craigs are newer.

mileage discrepancy?
Posts: 2003 | Location: Jackson, Michigan, USA | Member Since: 04-18-2004Report This Post
Supporting Member of 6/12
Formally known as "Humbojb"
Picture of Jim and Tere
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I've talked to Robert about the mileage. When he bought it two years ago, it had a little over 56000 miles on it. He recalls seeing that on the odometer at the time. The old listing on Barthmobile also confirms that mileage. In the last two years, he's only driven it about 1000 miles. Somewhere along the line, something has gone awry with the odometer. He is checking it out. Meanwhile, anyone interested can look at the old Barthmobile ad, call the PO, or go look at the coach. Many states don't even require a mileage statement on old vehicles when you sell them. This would not be a deterrent to me if I were interested.
One additional comment: It shouldn't be necessary to say this, but as buyers, one should always be respectful of the seller. Don't do anything in your inspection without the owner being there and with his/her permission. Once, I was selling a Volvo. The prospective buyer got in it with me in the passenger seat, and proceeded to take off like a bat out of hell, running through the gears as if he were in a drag race. I told him to pull over and I would take over driving--that once he bought it he could drive it whatever way he wanted to, but as long as I owned it, no one could trash it like he was.

Jim and TereJim and Tere

1985 Regal
29' Chevy 454 P32
8411 3172 29FP3B
Gear Vendor 6 Speed Tranny
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I talked to Robert again yesterday. He has dropped the price to $8000 and for the life of me, I don't know why a Barth devote' hasn't snapped this up. I wish I had the money and energy myself but I'm afraid it's too late for me. If it's half as good as it looks, it's a steal. And anybody that is going to work for the Wounded Warrior group is ok in my book.

Jim and TereJim and Tere

1985 Regal
29' Chevy 454 P32
8411 3172 29FP3B
Gear Vendor 6 Speed Tranny
Posts: 3693 | Location: madisonville tn usa | Member Since: 02-19-2005Report This Post
Supporting Member of 3/19
Picture of Mogan David
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I actually considered this Barth Regal. The Pleasure-Way class B model STW (I just sold) was sort of a miniaturization of the same floor plan.
Twin beds are advantageous for my situation/traveling companions. However, the market for such a layout seems to be much smaller than for a queen bed. Bridging the twins should be an easier task than splitting the queen base.

Instead of another Barth, I plan to soon have a ForeTravel 36' U295
Posts: 2003 | Location: Jackson, Michigan, USA | Member Since: 04-18-2004Report This Post
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This Barth is now sitting in my drive so I reckon you can mark it sold. My impression so far is quite good. It needs work, pretty much all major systems will need to be tuned or renewed, but it is clean, solid, and well maintained. An askew cabinet door is squared up and reglued and clamped as I write this, but in truth, neither the interior appointments nor the exterior structure need much rehab. Some rust repair and repaint on lower panels, a window gasket or two, small things. Considering what I paid, it is a good deal I think.

I looked at a 31FC Wanderlodge previously, one of the few other motorhomes I would truly consider buying. Robustly built, but smaller windows and wood grain bulkheads too far forward make them seem cramped and dark. The Barth salon with it's large window area feels quite open and spacious in contrast, especially with the front door open, which the handy screendoor allows.

I was not sure I wanted the floorplan this Barth has. I prefer a small dining setup across from the galley, which is admittedly difficult to fit in a 32'. It's not so much that I actually want a dinette, but having one there visually opens up the space above it relative to a bulkhead like the one forward of the fridge on this Barth. Built in booth dinettes are better than bulkheads, but still eat room visually. A cantilevered or gate leg table with simple dining chairs accomplishes the same function but doesn't wall off space.

Since I couldn't have a galley dining area, my first move was to remove the two salon swivel chairs. They are uncomfortable, ugly, and take up too much room. They suck, they're gone. I added two straight back chairs from my English pub table, which sit flat against the wall. This opens up the space considerably, and they work well with the built-in table deployed. Just replacing the upholstered barrel chairs with small but well made dining chairs made the salon feel much roomier.

I had intended to remove the sofa as well, as I prefer a lounge/ottoman setup for reading and TV. But laying on the sofa with bolsters in front of the kitchen counter to lean back against, I have a chaise lounge, with two reading lights well positioned above and behind. It's comfy with my legs up, and right where I want to be to watch TV. It also preserves a berth and more seats for guests, and avoids fabbing up a cover and chair mount for the existing furnace unit under the sofa. The sofa works, it stays. I may put a bicycle mount on the cabinet above it.

Since I will be traveling alone, I turned the passenger seat to face aft so it is a usable salon chair. Being 3-way adjustable with arms that swivel out of the way, it is perfect to sit in when playing guitar, or savoring morning coffee. The forward dining chair becomes the perfect ottoman when I am sitting there. I think having multiple places to sit, facing different directions and setup for different activities, really enlarges a small space.

In the back, one bed frame gets enlarged slightly for a proper mattress and a little more sleeping room. The other gets yanked to be replaced by the desk I am currently sitting in front of. It will sister around the furnace there and I'll fab up a footrest. To allow for the wider bed/mattress, the existing bedside table will move over or likely be replaced entirely. No other changes currently planned, tho I think I will line the closets with resawn aromatic cedar.

I wanted a 32' so I could travel a little better on the squiggley roads, in town and small campgrounds, but still have enough room to live aboard comfortably for weeks or months at a time. In lieu of a 4-wheel toad, I plan to mount my Honda 600 motorcycle to the rear bumper/receiver, and carry a proper bicycle inside as well. When the bike is not enough, I can get the 32 into the Publix parking lot alot easier that a 36-40 DP, and yet the tag axle gives good load capacity and a long-wheelbase ride.

When parked more space is always better, but I don't trust slides and I don't want the bulk and costs associated with diesel pushers. And I don't want to be relegated to the interstate and big commercial RV parks. When you are parked in the right spot, all the space you want is right outside your door.

Anyways, I really like my Barth.
Posts: 8 | Location: central Florida | Member Since: 11-02-2014Report This Post
Official Barth Junkie
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Picture of Steve VW
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Good luck with your Barth, I think you will enjoy it. I am really happy with the tag axle setup on my 33, you have better ride and handling.

Check this site's archives there are tons of good posts and lots of information. Try the search feature, ask questions, we'll help if we can. Thumbs Up

"98" Monarch 37
Spartan MM, 6 spd Allison
Cummins 8.3 325+ hp
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I am making minor repairs to wood work. Some of the raised panel doors have come unglued, so I remove, square up and flush edges, then reglue and clamp, no big deal. Until bone headed amateurs attempt their own repairs first.

The bathroom door needs to be reglued. It's a PITA to remove cause it's a full length piano hinge, so 36 small screws to pull, which is tedious but that's why God invented the guy who invented cordless drivers. The real problem is the numbskull who bradded through all the joints without flushing and squaring the door first. So the wood is split (You can't drive even tiny brads close to the edge/end of aged hardwood, it has no give and will inevitably split. I drill tiny holes first when bradding such.), and the door is held permanently out of square, with the stiles standing proud 1/4" above the top rail.

So now a relatively easy fix is a major chore, and the wood is forever damaged at each rail and stile joint. Hopefully, the brads will bend or shear when I flush and square it up, otherwise I'll get more serious wood splits. Folks, if you don't know what you are doing, don't do it.
Posts: 8 | Location: central Florida | Member Since: 11-02-2014Report This Post
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I made up a 30 amp supply line and got an RV pro to come check her out thoroughly today. I did not want to plug in, fill tanks, or even flip switches until I had someone knowledgeable handy. Findings follow:

Three Hydroflame furnaces, none work. Need a new board, a new igniter and a new valve, probably ought to buy three of each, if available. Roof airs seem to work, dash air does not. Oven seems to work, gas burners work tho no pilot, refrigerator does not, and reeks of ammonia, needs new innards. Water pump works, toilet valve broken, leaks at back of coach, while water heater leaks at front of coach. Both show signs of previous leaks and stopgap measures. Need new toilet valve and new water heater.

Generator cranks but does not run, may just need carburetor cleaned. Unknown if generator head actually produces voltage. Converter runs but cooling fan motor does not, so it overheats in use, need new fan. Coach electrics solenoid intermittent, chassis solenoid has been de-circuited, both will be replaced. Electric steps assembly removed entirely, I'll probably fab up something that will sister upside down in the footwell, and hinge down in use.

Hydraulic levelers non-op, will need new pump to test further. Air bags non-op, the compressor drive belt is missing, other issues possible. GM 454 motor seems to run OK, transmission will need overhaul. Brakes are adequate, but best to have them overhauled, and repack the wheel bearings. All tires have been replaced, with wheel alignment.

The rear window leaks, and there is surface rust on bay doors and floors. Will need new window gasket(s), treat rust and repaint. Minor dings and dents on exterior, but body and paint mostly good, and looks original. Roof looks good and no signs of previous leaks on ceiling, one exterior fixture missing top hat. Cabinetry is solid tho some raised panel doors have worked loose and slipped out of square, which I can rectify.

Well, it would have been nice if more RV stuff worked. And it would have been nice if the previous owner had been a little more forthcoming. But in truth, it's no big deal. The plan was always to park it at home for a few months before hitting the road, so that all these systems could be checked out and rehabbed. I may yet run into big problems, but for now I am still within projected budget. And I still like my Barth.
Posts: 8 | Location: central Florida | Member Since: 11-02-2014Report This Post
Official Barth Junkie
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Picture of Steve VW
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I always figure there are 2 types of things on the coach, those that need work now and those that will need work later…

At least this way you know you have a list of projects but when they are done the coach should be good for quite a while. Thumbs Up

Good luck with your Barth. mechanic

"98" Monarch 37
Spartan MM, 6 spd Allison
Cummins 8.3 325+ hp
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Supporting Member of 6/12
Formally known as "Humbojb"
Picture of Jim and Tere
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It sounds like you made a well thought out decision to buy this Barth. At the price of $8000, I thought it was probably a good buy. But then I know that you have to be prepared to put somewhere around $10K in this kind of unit to get to where you want to go. Having talked to Robert in the past, I am somewhat disappointed that you have found so many problems. I knew about some of them but not all of them. I admire your attitude. It will be of great help to you in the future.

Jim and TereJim and Tere

1985 Regal
29' Chevy 454 P32
8411 3172 29FP3B
Gear Vendor 6 Speed Tranny
Posts: 3693 | Location: madisonville tn usa | Member Since: 02-19-2005Report This Post
Official Barth Junkie
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Picture of Steve VW
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In all fairness, I think many sellers are not as familiar with their coaches as some of us are. Those of us that do our own work tend to know the coach the best. Those that have the work done are not as intimate with the systems and their condition.

Also, by the time a coach is sold it has often been some time since it was used regularly. As we know, they are best when used frequently, with regular maintenance.

Given the age of these things you can't assume anything. Bottom line, caveat emptor as usual, inspect everything you can! Thumbs Up

Just remember: an old 10K coach, after you put 10K into it is still worth about 10K. But the satisfaction, that's priceless. Good luck! Thumbs Up

"98" Monarch 37
Spartan MM, 6 spd Allison
Cummins 8.3 325+ hp
Posts: 5291 | Location: Kalkaska, MI | Member Since: 02-04-2011Report This Post
Supporting Member of 6/12
Formally known as "Humbojb"
Picture of Jim and Tere
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Good point, Steve. After talking to Robert, he seemed like a nice person and was a retired military guy, but wasn't too involved with the Barth. He didn't use it very much and some of the water leaks were caused by a guy from South Carolina that looked at it did some damage to the water system. It's like Old Blue. We probably put close to 20K into it, not including the purchase price. It was worth 10. But the satisfaction of knowing that you took something and passed it on in better shape than when you got it---priceless!!

Jim and TereJim and Tere

1985 Regal
29' Chevy 454 P32
8411 3172 29FP3B
Gear Vendor 6 Speed Tranny
Posts: 3693 | Location: madisonville tn usa | Member Since: 02-19-2005Report This Post
Official Barth Junkie
Supporting Member of 1/25
Picture of Steve VW
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I was told many years ago if you have a boat, RV, or airplane that you use for recreation, don't EVER add up what you put into it. You'll only be depressed and it robs you of the enjoyment.

If you can't afford to maintain it, don't buy it in the first place. If you don't enjoy it any more sell it and walk away.

It's like going fishing or hunting. If you figure out the cost per pound of fish or meat you get you can get it WAY cheaper at the meat market!

Let's see: crankshaft replacement, water heater, air conditioner, TV, radiator, tires, headers and exhaust, LED lights, new 454HO engine, gas tank repair, fuel injection system, new Honda generator, antisway bar, air bags all around, axle work, fuel lines and filters, brake lines, air compressor system, GPS speedometer and tach, TV antenna, battery charger, auxiliary heater system, furnace work, thermostats, and more… (you've seen the pictures!)

Like you, Jim, there must be at least 20K there not counting my labor. (Engine alone was 6K) I paid 10K for the coach in 2011, MAYBE worth 15 now? (I'm counting on a bidding war from all you informed Barthers out there lusting for my coach!) ROTFLMAO

OTH, I have put over 30,000 miles on it, enjoyed every minute and met some of the best people I've ever known since I got it. (Heck, I have spent more for gasoline than I paid for it!) confusion

Well worth the price! Looking forward to many more.

"98" Monarch 37
Spartan MM, 6 spd Allison
Cummins 8.3 325+ hp
Posts: 5291 | Location: Kalkaska, MI | Member Since: 02-04-2011Report This Post
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    Forums    Barth Coaches Sold    MO: 1987 Barth Regal 32' (For Sale Again - Scroll Down)

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