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FL. 1989 Regency 36' - Cat 3208 Powered.
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Supporting Member of 3/12
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As much as i like your coach we are going to stick with ours. It's paid for, and we are very comfortable in it. Plus it looks like we have more storage than you so it would be hard to adjust to having less. But,......if anything was to ever happen to the bus and we needed to get a replacement............ Smiler
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Supporting Member of 01/08
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I lived in Ortona near Labelle at Meadowlark Campground for the last 2 years. We have an 1983 35 ft regency.

I just relocated up to Tallahassee but keep our boat at Turkey Creek so I will be in the LaBelle area most weekends. Your coach looks in great shape. Good luck selling it.

Posts: 357 | Location: Ortona- Turkey Creek Florida | Member Since: 10-04-2004Report This Post
Supporting Member of 7/09
Picture of T&T&B
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Hi Deb & Ed
We stayed in Ortona when we first came to this area, we actually live in Pioneer, just 8 miles (or so) east of Ortona (off State Road 80), just 7 miles or so behind the Shell Plaza. Look us up, or call us sometime when you're down this way.
Tom & Tina xxx-xxx-xxxx

36' Barth Regency
3208 Cat 250 HP
Allison 4 speed Transmission, Gillig Chassis
"If it ain't a CAT it's a DOG"
Posts: 142 | Location: South Florida - La Belle | Member Since: 03-21-2009Report This Post
Glassnose Aficionado
Supporting Member of 2/09
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Ed,If there's a chance for us to get together in May June, or July, let us know. We'd like to come down and visit.

79 Barth Classic
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Supporting Member of 01/08
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Sound great.

The bus is in Tallahassee but the boats at Turkey Creek in Ortona. The campground is empty during the summer with lots of space for your RV or just come drive down in the car and stay on the boat with us.

Posts: 357 | Location: Ortona- Turkey Creek Florida | Member Since: 10-04-2004Report This Post
Supporting Member of 7/09
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Hi all,

Thought I would add, that as of this morning (actually last night) coach has new batteries.... Big Grin


36' Barth Regency
3208 Cat 250 HP
Allison 4 speed Transmission, Gillig Chassis
"If it ain't a CAT it's a DOG"
Posts: 142 | Location: South Florida - La Belle | Member Since: 03-21-2009Report This Post
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Beautiful coach TALENTED HUSBAND. I only wish that I were equally skilled. Well done on the TV.

In search of a vintage Barth.
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Katoman1932, as the man in the white jumpsuit would say "Thank you, thank you very much".

Thought that I should inform all the wannabe Barthers (emailers and callers) that we will NOT be available (calls, emails, or showings) from Sept 7 - Sept 21. We will be up north (Canada) and the roaming fees up there are enough to make Rockefeller flinch.

We will be back somewhere around the 21st, and certainly would appreciate hearing from anyone at that time. Phone calls are the best way to get us, go weeks at a time not close to the computer.

Also please note, have been putting the coach on Craigslist as $43,000 OBRO, with the "R" meaning Reasonable, not Ridiculous Wink which will tell you that we will consider REASONABLE offers.

Thanks to ALL for all the referrals, we've been close on a couple of deals, but needless to say, we still have our baby. Wink Confused

36' Barth Regency
3208 Cat 250 HP
Allison 4 speed Transmission, Gillig Chassis
"If it ain't a CAT it's a DOG"
Posts: 142 | Location: South Florida - La Belle | Member Since: 03-21-2009Report This Post
Supporting Member of 7/09
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We're baaaack!!! Had a good trip, but as they say there's no place like home.... The absolute best way to get ahold of us is to PHONE. My modem has decided to take a vacation (permanent), I tried a wireless card, but can't get a signal from our home....I will be investigating trying another carrier for the wireless card.

Will keep everyone posted when I get THIS small problem solved. In the meantime thanks all for your patience.

Tina phone xxx-xxx-xxxx

36' Barth Regency
3208 Cat 250 HP
Allison 4 speed Transmission, Gillig Chassis
"If it ain't a CAT it's a DOG"
Posts: 142 | Location: South Florida - La Belle | Member Since: 03-21-2009Report This Post
Supporting Member of 7/09
Picture of T&T&B
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Goooood Morning Barthmobilers, Future Barthmobilers, and wannabe Barthmobilers

Wanted to make y'all aware that we have lowered the asking price for our coach. After celebrating a B'day, both for me and the coach, that means we are both another year older (gasp)!

We are now asking $39,000 OBO. I also had my computer HERO, Bill NY, add an options list on the listing (current Barthers know what a Regency is, not all future Barthers know about all the great things found in these coaches).

Again, that is the asking price, there is SOME room to work. Feel free to contact me via phone (perferred) or PM or email.

Have a GREAT day everyone. Smiler


36' Barth Regency
3208 Cat 250 HP
Allison 4 speed Transmission, Gillig Chassis
"If it ain't a CAT it's a DOG"
Posts: 142 | Location: South Florida - La Belle | Member Since: 03-21-2009Report This Post
Supporting Member of 7/09
Picture of T&T&B
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One more item to add to list here......I always suspected that our 3208 was Turbo (one of the gauges on the dash says Turbo) and last week we had a very knowledgeable fellow inspect and look at our coach..........he comfirmed it, our 3208 is a Turbo Smiler

Yes, the coach is still anxiously waiting to meet the new owners.


36' Barth Regency
3208 Cat 250 HP
Allison 4 speed Transmission, Gillig Chassis
"If it ain't a CAT it's a DOG"
Posts: 142 | Location: South Florida - La Belle | Member Since: 03-21-2009Report This Post
Supporting Member of 3/11
Picture of Tom  and Julie
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If your coach is a 3208T it is 300 hp, not 250hp. That is quite a bit more powerful than the 250 version. Might help you sell it.

1993 32' Regency Wide Body, 4 speed Allison Trans, Front Entry door, Diamond Plate aluminum roof &
1981 Euro 22' w Chevy 350 engine and TH 400 tranny
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Supporting Member of 03/10
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Tom, I think the 3208 is about 210 or 225 hp, the 3208T is 250 HP and the 3208T with aftercooler is 300 HP. My engine is a 3208T and has the turbo and is rated at 250 HP. Some one correct me on this if wrong. sky

1990 Barth Regency
32RDGB1 Wide Body
3208 Cat 250 HP
Gillig Chassis
Center aisle
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Supporting Member of 3/11
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My Cat Manual identifies only two engines - the 250 non turbo 2250 hp and the 300 hp, Intercooled, Turbo 3208T. You can identify the intercooler by the large aluminum pipe that extends across the top of the engine from the air cleaner to the radiator that mounts inline with the side mounted coolant radiator. I have seen many 3208T's and never seen one without the the intercooler. As yours is Regency I expect it is the same as mine.

1993 32' Regency Wide Body, 4 speed Allison Trans, Front Entry door, Diamond Plate aluminum roof &
1981 Euro 22' w Chevy 350 engine and TH 400 tranny
Posts: 1514 | Location: Houston Texas | Member Since: 12-19-2006Report This Post
Supporting Member of 3/11
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OK it is 250, not 2250 hp.

1993 32' Regency Wide Body, 4 speed Allison Trans, Front Entry door, Diamond Plate aluminum roof &
1981 Euro 22' w Chevy 350 engine and TH 400 tranny
Posts: 1514 | Location: Houston Texas | Member Since: 12-19-2006Report This Post
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    Forums    Barth Coaches Sold    FL. 1989 Regency 36' - Cat 3208 Powered.

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