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25' Euro
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After a few years of procrastination since I realized that I no longer have the gumption to continue to get the '82 25foot glass nose (Euro) back on the road I finally decided that I should make it available to someone who can appreciate a

below are some of the history of the sale

rp's barth

posted 04-15-2012 09:12 PM

I have a possible buyer now (one of our own Barthers) but if that does not work i will give that a try

Richard & Robin

rp's barth
Supporting Member of 1/12
Picture of rp's barth

posted 04-19-2012 08:06 PM Hide Post

Danny Z!!!!!I Am Proud to report the Euro is in route to Fl Driven by the one and only Dick Dubbs!!!!!!!I am sad to to see it leave But I am very happy for him because i know he has wanted another Barth for some time.. I am sure there will be another some day but our work just does not allow it at the time,,, Thanks To all Richard & Robin

FKA: noble97monarch

posted 04-19-2012 08:09 PM
Great news all around.

I'm really happy to see that Dick found a new Barth. No one deserves one more than him.

Danny Z
Glassnose Aficionado

posted 04-20-2012 08:15 PM
Kinda thought this was happening but now that I know for sure yippeee! Can't wait to see Dick with his new baby. Hope you can get into a position to get another Barth soon. We've seen what you can do with them, and look forward to another resurection. Don't be a stranger just because you're temporarily Barthless, we need your expertise.

Dan & Suzy Z
Venice, Florida

rp's barth

posted 04-20-2012 09:14 PM Hide Post

I will be always looking on here to keep up. I told Dick to not hesitate to call me for information, or anyone else i can assist, also if anyone is ever in the area i am always up for a visit , There will be another Barth you can Bet,,,, If you here from Dick let me know I Hope his trip was safe and un eventful, I hope to go to another gathering some time I miss that about not being in Fl.

Richard & Robin

Dick Dubbs
Supporting Member of
posted 04-22-2012 10:27 AM


Danny Z!!!!!I Am Proud to report the Euro is in route to Fl

I finally set up my laptop this morning. I backed the Euro into my front yard yesterday, Saturday at 1600 hrs. after 670 miles, a few overnites and a new rear wheel cylinder. As Richard and I both know there are a few things to be taken care of to make this old gal roadworthy. We traveled at about 55 mph most of the time, bounding and yawing down US 301 most of the way. With older tires and Richard's 30 mile test drive (from where he bought it to his home)as givens we were well aware of the crap shoot the trip would be. The highway gods have always been looking after me and I am greatful for that. I guess the stress of piloting the unknown was no less akin to driving a TNT truck. We made it safely and with minimal hardship. Thank you Richard and thank you all for your kind words. More later.

FKA: noble97monarch

posted 04-22-2012 10:33 AM Hide Post

Good for you Dick. Sometimes it's fun to throw the dice and see what numbers come up. It helps if you don't have any great time pressures like a stinkin job to get to Big Grin

Dick Dubbs
Supporting Member of
posted 04-22-2012 10:43 AM Hide Post


"It helps if you don't have any great time pressures like a stinkin job to get to"

I may have to become a "greeter" at Wallyworld to afford the improvements. Frowner Big Grin

More to follow.
I do not presently have on line service at home; I need to go to the library or other Wi-Fi sources to operate ergo, incomplete and less frequent postings.

#1 29' 1977parted out and still alive in Barths all over the USA

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If you have not yet noticed you soon will be able to tell that I am not very computer literate. To add to the problem I am temporarily hindered with limited internet access.
If anyone is interested in more information you can probably glean a lot of info by searching the various related forums.
I have almost mastered the hunt and peck technique of typing and maybe will get more info posted quicker in the future.

p.s. I observed my natal anniversary on Monday (ground hog day) and I did not see my shadow so good news for all you up North.

more to follow ............ eventually! .....

#1 29' 1977parted out and still alive in Barths all over the USA

Posts: 1028 | Location: Floral City FL | Member Since: 04-25-2008Report This Post
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    Forums    Barth Coaches Sold    25' Euro

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