About a month ago we went to Eureka Springs Arkansas to meet up with some friends from Arizona who going to be there for a few days. If coming in from the north be aware that the last 10 or 12 miles are up and down and lots of curves....sharp little curves, and when you get into town do not, i repeat do not go to the left into the historic part of town, stay to the right and go thru the business part of town. We made a snap decision and went left........i now have almost no fear of going anywhere in our bus because i don't think i could find anyplace that would be worse to go with a 35 ft. rig and a toad. Very narrow streets, about a dozen 90 degree corners and no place to turn around until you reach the end.....which is in a hotel parking lot. Had to unhook to turn around and get out of there....almost as much fun going back out but i had my wife drive the jeep so it wasn't quite as exciting as going in. Luckily i did not meet any of the "little tour buses" either time or else we would probably still be there!!! Neat little town but don't try it in an rv! Park in a camp first! Jay and Shelby, changed our plans, not doing the east coast and Florida thing this year, right now we are at Palacios TX., (about 30 ft from the water,... quick everybody, get your atlas and see if you can find it!) for a few days then we are headed farther south for a bit then west to New Mexico and Arizona for the winter. Looks like i might have to go back to work :>( for a few months after the first of the year so we can continue our insurance coverage.
Posts: 878 | Location: Left side, top to bottom and back again. :>) | Member Since: 09-08-2003
This website is dedicated to the Barth Custom Coach, their owners and those who admire this American made, quality crafted, motor coach. We are committed to the history, preservation and restoration of the Barth Custom Coach.