Barthmobile Portal
Blue Mountain

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09-25-2011, 05:54 PM
Blue Mountain
Mountain Park is beside Pinewood Reservoir.

There are only 2 sites with no water or electricity.

This is also a trailhead so there is some activity during the day.
This is Daisy and Gracy on part of the trail that goes over a swampy area.

This is a view of the dam. This lake is used as a pumping station to get water over the mountain.

At night the deer came to the lake. I missed a pic of the elk.

Daisy and Gracy after their walk.

This is a wakeless lake and a nice place to float around on.

1978 Barth 17' Cabin Fever
1997 Barth 23' 4 door Command Center
09-25-2011, 07:54 PM
Sorry. This is blue mountain, not mountain park.... D'oh

1978 Barth 17' Cabin Fever
1997 Barth 23' 4 door Command Center
09-25-2011, 08:15 PM
Mary Ray
How far is this from your house Dusty?


Don't mess with us old folks, we don't get old by being stupid!
1968 Barth trailer, 1975 Barth Motorhome and 1985 Barth Motorhome

09-25-2011, 10:09 PM
Blue Mountain is 30 miles from home. There is a very steep section with the guard rail that seems awful close.

1978 Barth 17' Cabin Fever
1997 Barth 23' 4 door Command Center
09-26-2011, 12:07 AM
Mary Ray
We went camping friday to a spot about the same distance from the house we have in Memphis, it is nice to have a place that close.


Don't mess with us old folks, we don't get old by being stupid!
1968 Barth trailer, 1975 Barth Motorhome and 1985 Barth Motorhome

09-26-2011, 06:19 PM
Yes it is. Carter lake area has 3 lakes and 9 different campgrounds. We save a lot of fuel camping close to home.

1978 Barth 17' Cabin Fever
1997 Barth 23' 4 door Command Center
09-26-2011, 07:29 PM
what a beautiful lake, love that mirror image. Great to have places like this in your "backyard".

1999 Bluebird Custom 33' 8.3 Cummins diesel pusher

Former owner 1989 Barth Regal 25'