I knew Ed Fridley and, yes, he and Betty were members of the Barth Rangers here in Ohio. I believe their son now has their motor home. Ed was a WWII veteran and survived the boxcar trip and several months in a German POW camp. Several of the original members of the club had sold their Barth units so the name was changed to Buckeye Rangers because we all still wanted to keep in touch. For about the last three years, however, we have not done any camping but have an annual get-together in August for pot-luck lunch and exchanging news. Blue and Ruby Snyder live in Elyria but winter in AZ, having sold their Winnebago this year; other names some of you may remember are Calvin Bernhard (Vivian passed away several years ago), Dale & Mary Lane Harlamert, Joann Huffman (gave her truck camper to her son), Paul and Mary Ellen (can't remember last name. My parents, Vernie and Florence Schultz, were members, Cliff & Sarah Peters, Charles and Hazel Fernwault, all being deceased now. I probably have left some out - there are some members who had never owned a Barth but joined as friends with their NAB units. Braley
Posts: 42 | Location: Milan, OH | Member Since: 07-21-2009
This website is dedicated to the Barth Custom Coach, their owners and those who admire this American made, quality crafted, motor coach. We are committed to the history, preservation and restoration of the Barth Custom Coach.