08-16-2010, 08:03 PM
Mrs. LonnieGBarth Sunbeam toaster sighted
We heard about a Barth sighting at Granite Hill Campground in Gettysburg, PA. Someone said it looked like a little polished Sunbeam toaster…hummmm…wonder who it could have been? We missed you by hours or we would be neighbors right now. Catch you next time. So close and yet so far.

Hi Wendy & Lonnie!.....Yep, that was us...We went to Granite Hill over the past two weekends, with a
different pair of grandkids each trip. (see blog below)
We knew the Bluegrass Festival was comin', so we thought we just
might cross your path....Sorry we didn't. Lots of nice folks stopped by to kick our tires & ask questions about the Barth....(We told them that we had the
only Barth left in existence - obviously, now you've blown my story by showing up there.....

We get to G'burg several times a season....we'll hook-up again sometime down the road......

08-17-2010, 01:48 PM
Mrs. LonnieGOh come on…make it three weekends in a row!!! We can have a Minnie get together.
We have a little project for you some time. I found an aluminum bass that I want polished to match your Barth. Just a little side project sometime. The music is great…come on in for “first come, first serve” spot and stay as long as you like or pull out when the music gets to be too much. You know how to find us…the only Barth on site.

I found an aluminum bass that I want polished to match your Barth.
As I've said before, aluminum polishing is an easy D-I-Y two-step process:
1. Get a cordless drill, chuck a 3/4" spade bit and give yourself a lobotomy.....
2. Polish away for hours/days/weeks until you like what you see.......
Might head back to Cordorus S.P. before snow.....We'll let ya know - I'll have the
tools - maybe we can meet up for a wine-tasting/polishing seminar
Aluminum bass?....From the Hindenburg maybe?
08-17-2010, 05:56 PM
Sloop John BLee: we love your blog. I see you two have found the perfect use for the Barth. Our two grandkids love the Barth, Maggie loves to hike and Lizzy love to hangout with grandma while we hike. I see you have found Elizabeth Seton next to my home away from home , FEMA'S training Center next to it. All who wander are not lost.
08-17-2010, 08:17 PM
Mrs. LonnieGquote:
Originally posted by Lee:
I found an aluminum bass that I want polished to match your Barth.
Might head back to Cordorus S.P. before snow.....We'll let ya know - I'll have the
tools - maybe we can meet up for a wine-tasting/polishing seminar
Aluminum bass?....From the Hindenburg maybe?
You are on!!! A case of wine should do the trick.
Shine to blindquote:
found the perfect use for the Barth
Ya got that right John...At first we enjoyed the peace & quiet of just the two of us, but found that we actually preferred the moderate chaos of 3-5 year old grandkids with us on
some of our trips

We all need to keep reminding ourselves that, in a pretty short time, the kids will be grown up and gone and we'll be,...well, just gone

I swear, we need to meet-up sometime....We both have kin in good ole Three Oaks MI. Plus, my daughter works for FEMA (event coordination center - Hyattsville MD), but she's taking fire science classes in hopes of transferring to Emmittsburg - much closer to home (Frederick) and no-hassle commute. (Got any connections out there?

Wendy: OK, it's a plan! You supply the wine (although the stuff I buy is also a good aluminum deoxidizer

08-18-2010, 02:10 PM
Sloop John BLee: No connections buttttt they keep coming into our classes and asking if we would like to come to work for FEMA.