08-18-2022, 09:38 AM
GoodsignRV's with Big Bo 1985 Barth Regel
Hello Barthmobilers, not unusual for me to peruse Utube RV dealers just for entertainment. One of my favorites Utubers is Big Bo. Two reasons: one I enjoy looking at used RV's & two Bo reminds me, with his down-home delivery, of Mr. Haney on Green Acres & Petticoat Junction(both of which I watched during my high school years in the '60s, before the "rural purge" on network TV which was to follow(sadly).
But Bo isn't the star of this video. The 1985 Barth Regal is! I enjoyed all 29 minutes of it. And you may too. There's possibly a Utube link that would take you right to it & another member may be able to provide it, but in the meantime I think if you type in RV's with Big Bo 1985 Regel 322B Vintage Class A Incredible RV 454 Chevy sleeps four test drive $19,900 August 16, 2022 or some variation of this description the video should come up.
08-18-2022, 10:21 AM
Mike/Cindi WYoutube page ( after search ) has several other barth vid's on it..
!985 Barth RegalI like the one entitled "Barth Project" at the bottom.. give me ideas on mine..
P.S.: just made my contribution renewal as a supporting member.. Feel free to do the same..

go to your 'public profile page, PP links are at the top..