07-27-2007, 08:05 PM
ironsidesDave Bowers
I got the e-mail. I don't like it. I understand it but I don't like it.
I have been a daily visitor and member since we bought our barth and found this site shortly after you started it. I have gained SO much benefit as a result. I have come to consider all on this site as friends. I have come to consider YOU DAVE, my friend. You have kept this place going with a minimum of disruption, ie... little or no politics and religion. Topics that surely could crash this site by taking us away from what we need and love, Our Barths and their upkeep.
I have the utmost Respect for you Dave and Thank You for your efforts.
I DO like your choice for a replacement Administrator. Bill NY is a great guy who is a library of knowledge and will have my full support. Many others (not me) could also have filled in as well.
This makes me sad and I hope you oneday have another Barth in your life.
I hope that you continue frequent contact with us and let us know how you are. Weigh in on subjects and just hang here.
My door is always open to you for now and for ever.
Thank You and God Bless,
Well Dave, I have read the posts that have already been posted and can only wish I had written them first so I don't sound redundent in saying how much I will miss your presence and administration of this site. 5 years ago I stumbled upon your site while looking for my first summer "cottage" and I can not tell you Dave what a blessing this site has been to me. My only regret is that I was never blessed to see "THE" Barthmobile pull into our resort as invited. I hope you know that you are alsays welcome with or without a Barth. Thank you forgiving to us all so much of your time, wisdom and wit and advice. Ironically this was my first summer not to own a Barth (at least not yet, I'm still holding out hope) so if you were to find the time to get away and enjoy the beautiful shore of Lake Michigan we could sit around the fire and lament our sorrows together of not having a beautiful Barth coach to grace our grieving eyes. God Bless you Dave in whatever journey you chose ahead.
07-28-2007, 02:23 PM
bill hI know of no forum where the moderator is held in such high regard as Dave is here.
That speaks volumes.
07-28-2007, 03:12 PM
Danny ZI guess I held off posting a response because I don't think this should be viewed in a morbid way. Dave ain't dead! Heck , he ain't even leaving! He's just turning over duties to another very capable and well known person.
But just in case you need to hear a song that I think says it from most of us, have a listen to what was played at Dale Sr.'s funeral, and gave a lot of people the will to go on.
http://music.aol.com/video/i-hope-you-dance/lee-ann-womack/113402007-28-2007, 05:33 PM
Bill N.Y.quote:
Originally posted by Danny Z:
Dave ain't dead! Heck, he ain't even leaving! He's just turning over duties to another very capable and well known person.
So, are you saying, I am the kid that just paid Tom Sawyer to paint the fence?

Bill N.Y.
07-28-2007, 07:45 PM
Danny ZThe fence got whitewashed though, didn't it?