01-29-2012, 11:05 PM
Doug SmileyFire suppression
Being relatively new to the care and feeding of a MCC motor coach....
so which Barth type coachs have onboard fire suppression?
Also what type or brand, automatic or manual?
Anybody have a personal experience and/or recommendation in regards to fire suppression?
01-30-2012, 07:28 PM
Tom and JulieIf your coach is gasoline powered several cheap additions you might consider two switches: An inertia switch senses impact and is typically mounted to the frame. If an impact greateer than 5g's occurs itngrounds out the distributor and the engine stops. Another switch is inline with the oil pressure sender and when the pressure drops to about zero it opens the ground to your electric fuel pump, thus also killing the engine. Both can prevent fuel from feeding the engine.If you have a diesel, fire is unlikely anyway except from a separate gas powered generator or propane. A number of sensor linked switches can be installed to handle those as well.
01-30-2012, 08:44 PM
Steve VWIf you have a Chev P3x with electric tank pumps (early 80's on,) there should already be an oil pressure switch in the fuel pump relay circuit. G-switch for ignition might be good.
01-30-2012, 09:10 PM
bill hMy Barth came from the factory with an electric pump right above the tank but no oil pressure switch or relay. Direct wire to the ignition switch, I think. If there is a relay, it is really hidden.
01-30-2012, 09:19 PM
Steve VWI guess it was 85 on! The relay is on the left forward side of the engine compartment next to the AC pump if you have one.
01-31-2012, 05:58 PM
I guess it was 85 on! The relay is on the left forward side of the engine compartment next to the AC pump if you have one.
Do you have a wire diagram of this circuit. I have not traced my wires to see where power to the pump is comming from. My 86 factory manual show nothing on tank mounted electric pumps.
A few years ago, I replaced the regulator. New one came with 2 outlets. I now have a line that runs to the rear of coach that I use for filling gas cans for preasure washer, pit bikes, and lawn mowers.
This line also give me a port to measure fuel pressure from tank pump.
The oil pressure switch make sense. The only way to get fuel is to have engine running. I might try to wire in a momentary switch in my rear storage compartment with a master off switch so I don't have to run the engine.