Glassnose Aficionado

| Bob, I've got your # written down so you can delete it from here if you want. I'll try giving you a call after work today, around noon.
79 Barth Classic
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| '92 Breakaway, fully loaded, 37K miles, "shoes off interior", garaged. entirely stock. 16 mos. ago PO was asking 20, paid 17,8. Never had heard of Barth but recognized the Barth-difference. Everything worked great except refer. New cooling unit for $600 works great, (BTW, replacement no small task but doable - open to questions). One family trip to Myrtle. Children growing up fast and starting to disperse - Myrtle vacation was great medicine for the sorrow. This coach is my second love. I'm a car enthusiast and have owned hundreds over my lifetime. Never have I been so attached. BTW, not intimidated by the upkeep - modestly mechanical and this site is invaluable. Thanks to all. |
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6/12 Formally known as "Humbojb"

| OK, back on topic. A few years ago, I was in Florida when I got a call about a Breakaway in Allentown, PA that the owner was wanting to give away to a Barth guy. I had always wanted a diesel and Tere and I talked about it and said, "What the heck, let's go for it". So I flew to Allentown. One way ticket. Met the owner who was a very nice guy. He was disabled and it was time to let this 28' Breakaway go to a new home. I drove it around a bit and said ok, but thought it was best to have a local diesel shop check it out, change all the fluids and belts, make it ready for the trip to Tennessee. Unfortunately, they found a cracked exhaust manifold and some electrical issues that the PO couldn't have know about.It got real expensive real quick and since I didn't have any tools nor the expertise necessary, I was left to their mercy. The exciting part was the test drive on US 22 at 12 midnight when the engine died while the Barth was in the far left lane on a highway with 3 lanes in each direction. If you know anything about Breakaways, you know you have just a few seconds to get off the road before the breaks lock up since the air pressure disappears. It was rather exciting. At this point, an angel of mercy appeared from Canada in the form of a person who is now know as Baby Barth. He and I struck a deal that covered most of the expense at the repair shop and he drove it back to Canada after putting some new tires on it. He still has it down in Florida to this day. These Barths are tough, and in my case, tougher than the driver. Jim  | |  | | | 1985 Regal 29' Chevy 454 P32 8411 3172 29FP3B Gear Vendor 6 Speed Tranny | | | | |
| Posts: 3693 | Location: madisonville tn usa | Member Since: 02-19-2005 |  
| quote: Originally posted by Jim and Tere: OK, back on topic. Jim
Thanks JIM, I was away thinking your trying to steal my topic Away. Now that I have your attention, I know you could give us a several more Barth stories, Bought and sold.  If you have forgotten  anything just tell us the part you remember.  |
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| quote: Originally posted by Jim and Tere: Carl, what are you doing up at 12:07 in the morning? Or are you like some of us old folks that don't sleep well anymore?
Just to rattle your cage Jim, I was up with heart burn lurking around here for about an hour. Thought I would throw this up for you, but it is 6 Am now. |
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