Barthmobile Portal
Cash Donations
02-12-2014, 01:56 AM
Bubba BarthCash Donations
So I was thinking of how I would like to donate money to keep this site going and hopefully growing. But I do not like credit cards or PayPal. Is there an address to send a check or money order? And to whom do I make the check out to?
Send Bill NY a pm and he will send you his address. Sky
1990 Barth Regency
32RDGB1 Wide Body
3208 Cat 250 HP
Gillig Chassis
Center aisle
02-12-2014, 09:33 AM
Bubba BarthThat's funny Kevin. It's early here and I read your post. At first glance it felt like I was sending money to a repair facility for someone's coach.
I got a good chuckle.
02-14-2014, 08:33 AM
BraleyI'd be happy to do the $40 donation for gray binder and CD if they are still available, but I note that message is dated in 2009. Any idea the deal might be available at the GTG in Milford?
Braley, in snowy Milan, OH
02-14-2014, 01:22 PM
Doug SmileySend Bill a cheque/check!
RDR Repair
PO Box 2305
Newburgh, NY 12550
Attn: Barthmobile
Make check payable to: Bill Napolitano
send Bill a Private Message aka PM...
Under Forums go to General Discussions
Scroll down Four Messages
click on Private Messages aka PMs
Read and use....
The 82 MCC {by Barth}
is not an rv--
it is a Motor Coach!!
I sent a cash donation via Paypal a month ago. I've never heard squat. A thank you, a leave me alone. Nothing.
What does it cost to be a supporting member?? Nothing has ever been done with my data tag either that I have noticed.
02-15-2014, 12:37 AM
Mary RayWCRV, there is no "set" amount, you donate what and if you can.
I don't receive notification when I donate either.
Don't mess with us old folks, we don't get old by being stupid!
1968 Barth trailer, 1975 Barth Motorhome and 1985 Barth Motorhome
02-15-2014, 09:45 AM
Dick Dubbsquote:
I sent a cash donation via Paypal a month ago. I've never heard squat. A thank you, a leave me alone. Nothing.

Didn't a brass band march down the main drag of Centralia announcing the donation? ..........
hmmm something must have gone amiss.

#1 29' 1977parted out and still alive in Barths all over the USA
Originally posted by WCRV:
I sent a cash donation via Paypal a month ago. I've never heard squat. A thank you, a leave me alone. Nothing.
What does it cost to be a supporting member?? Nothing has ever been done with my data tag either that I have noticed.
Remember Bill does this a a labor of Love for all us trying to keep BARTH alive. He has a real job, Family and a life outside of Barthmobile. We don't and shouldn't expect him to drop everything to take care of us.
Notice the responses are not crabbing at you just saying patience is a virtue and funning with you. Things sometimes get missed. Please ask nicely if you think something got missed. We are all here for the wealth of knowledge and sharing of ideas.

Dana & Lynn
1997 38ft Monarch front entry
Spartan Mountain Master Chassis
Cummins 8.3 325hp
Allison MD-3060 6 speed
22.5 11R
Cummins Factory Exhaust Brake
8000 watt Quiet Diesel Generator
Christened Midnight
1972 22ft
Christened Camp Barth
02-15-2014, 10:14 AM
Mogan Davidquote:
Originally posted by WCRV:
I sent a cash donation via Paypal a month ago. I've never heard squat. A thank you, a leave me alone. Nothing.
What does it cost to be a supporting member?? Nothing has ever been done with my data tag either that I have noticed.
Lifetime membership is $10,000.
But if you demand a receipt and/or published expression of undying gratitude, it will be cost you $15,000.
Thanks Mary. I didn't know. I couldn't find anything anywhere that said what it cost to be a "supporting member" I thought it would be cool to have that under our name also, guess not. Dana, thanks for enlightening me I had no idea of Bill's status. Dick Dubb's , I wasn't expecting anything. Up here in the Great Northwest we just have these things we call manners. We always say PLEASE and THANK YOU. I thought I might at least get a receipt of the donation made. As Mary just told me she never gets anything, now I know. Sorry I asked. I lost all my interest in Barthmobile. Have a nice day.
02-17-2014, 12:38 AM
RustyBill N Y is down a mechanic, which is exacerbated by the fact his is one of the few mobile repairs that operates in the winter. He'll get things done when time permits.
"StaRV II"'94 28' Breakaway: MilSpec AMG 6.5L TD 230HP
Nelson and Chester, not-spoiled Golden Retrievers
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we're not.
In either case the idea is quite staggering. - Arthur C. Clarke
It was a woman who drove me to drink, and I've been searching thirty years to find her and thank her - W. C. Fields
02-17-2014, 01:34 PM
Dick .......... one of the finest, none commercial and free sites on the "internet"
Everything of value has a price: the price of the "priceless" information, helpfulness and friendship comes mainly from the heart of the seriously interested and interesting Barthers who donate their time, expertise, humor,courtesy, good will and some cash upon occasion. I would venture to wager that there is none, donor,"member", visitor or onetime viewer who have accessed this site that has not benefitted in some manner.
This site is very well managed and kept up by Bill-NY and his team of geeks on a voluntary basis and their gift of time, talent and financial assistance from their own pockets.
No one has ever been told to donate .... TBC...
#1 29' 1977parted out and still alive in Barths all over the USA
02-17-2014, 01:42 PM
Dick Dubbs........continued ....
there was more... but I lost concentration

when I ran out of space on the previous post :
one other excellent feature of this site is it's affinity for self cleansing

#1 29' 1977parted out and still alive in Barths all over the USA
02-17-2014, 08:23 PM
Jim and TereYeah, and there will always be those who are looking for something for nothin'. Sorry, couldn't resist it. 'Good Manners' is also helping to support that which you benefit from.
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1985 Regal 29' Chevy 454 P32 8411 3172 29FP3B Gear Vendor 6 Speed Tranny |