07-28-2017, 03:30 PM
Doug SmileyDuesenberg + MCC
Chris at MCR filled me in on the partial past history on MCC 28...
Apparently the owner had a Duesenberg which they trailered up to the Auburn IN. festival many years...sometimes driving the Duesenberg part of the way before the MCC + trailer

This MCC also was sold as used in Florida sometime in its life...
07-28-2017, 06:31 PM
Doorman Here are a few pictures of Our Barths (D.L's Dusty Jeepers and Doorman) at the ACD Museum following the 2012 GTG at Milford. D.L has been going to the ACD auction and show with his Barth. Gets all kind of compliments on it up there.
07-29-2017, 08:06 AM
dustyjeeperThat is a very impressive museum. Beautiful cars.