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R.I.P. Casey 6/20/03-12/29/15
12-29-2015, 04:11 PM
RustyR.I.P. Casey 6/20/03-12/29/15
I'm posting this because many Barthmobilers had met him.
Nelson and I said goodbye today to our beloved Casey. His health had deteriorated drastically over the past month, with abdominal fluids and loss of use of his hindquarters. Nelson is taking it hard; they had been inseparable...
"StaRV II"'94 28' Breakaway: MilSpec AMG 6.5L TD 230HP
Nelson and Chester, not-spoiled Golden Retrievers
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we're not.
In either case the idea is quite staggering. - Arthur C. Clarke
It was a woman who drove me to drink, and I've been searching thirty years to find her and thank her - W. C. Fields
Sorry to hear. You are in our prayer. Losing family is hard!
Dana & Lynn
1997 38ft Monarch front entry
Spartan Mountain Master Chassis
Cummins 8.3 325hp
Allison MD-3060 6 speed
22.5 11R
Cummins Factory Exhaust Brake
8000 watt Quiet Diesel Generator
Christened Midnight
1972 22ft
Christened Camp Barth
12-29-2015, 06:56 PM
KelsheI didn't have the pleasure of meeting Casey, but losing a beloved pet is very hard. I am sorry for your loss.
12-29-2015, 07:24 PM
Sloop John BSad to hear, Captn. Casey was a good friend to have at all the GTG's. All who wander are not lost
88 28' Regal 454
Blue/Silver metalflake
12-29-2015, 07:30 PM
Steve VWWow…

They don't call them "man's best friend" for no reason. Always hard to lose a friend. I will miss him, too.

"98" Monarch 37
Spartan MM, 6 spd Allison
Cummins 8.3 325+ hp
12-29-2015, 11:43 PM
carlflackRusty: So sorry for your loss. I am one of the lucky folks who met Maggie, Casey and Nelson. You have been one good Dad to all of your dogs......Carl
Former owner of "THE TOY"
1988 Barth Regal SE 33' Tag
1992 Barth Breakaway 32'
2005 Coachmen Mirada 32' DS
12-30-2015, 06:24 AM
Danny ZSorry to hear about Casey. Nelson will have to step up to being the "Old Man" of the clan.
79 Barth Classic
12-30-2015, 10:05 AM
kenny jOh Rusty, Kazy and I are so sorry to hear about Casey. He was such a good boy. I feel so sorry for Nelson, I know how protective he was of Casey. I fell sorry for you, missing him and watching Nelson feeling so sad. I don't feel sorry for Casey though, you gave him a really good life and home. I could tell he was well loved. It showed on his face, and yours. Give him a big hug for us, not too tight, but longer than a usual hug, and I hope we see you this summer some place.
12-30-2015, 01:06 PM
RustyThanks, everyone, for your wishes. Nelson and I have been a great comfort to each other. Nelson was there with Casey at the last.
"StaRV II"'94 28' Breakaway: MilSpec AMG 6.5L TD 230HP
Nelson and Chester, not-spoiled Golden Retrievers
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we're not.
In either case the idea is quite staggering. - Arthur C. Clarke
It was a woman who drove me to drink, and I've been searching thirty years to find her and thank her - W. C. Fields
12-30-2015, 01:19 PM
dr. bartIt brings tears to my eyes every time I read this post...I'm sure Casey had a great life...
Casey and his canine brethren are "earth angels" who watch over us patiently, as steadfast loving guardians and protectors.
The name "Dog" says it all, as is it not the name of God, spelled backwards?
The loss of this special friend is doubly hard to bear, as they give us something,
you will rarely receive,
from our parents, spouses, or children;
that is, the Gift of Unconditional Love & Forgiveness.
That shared, unseparable bond of love, I believe, will act as a silent whistle to alert them of our arrival when it is time for us to come home and as below, so above, they will be there, as always, patiently awaiting our return, for love never dies.
12-30-2015, 08:36 PM
Jim & BarbRusty,
We know exactly how you feel and what it's like to lose a good "furry friend".
May the good, happy memories of Casey replace your sadness.
Jim, Barb and our new "furry friend" Toby
12-30-2015, 10:40 PM
ccctimtationGood night Casey, rest easy. Thanks for meeting me and bringing your friends along.
12-31-2015, 01:47 PM
Kirk & EliseSorry to hear of your loss Rusty.
1989 22' Regal
12-31-2015, 02:41 PM
Pirate19The measure of a person is the affect they had on others' lives. Never met you but your kindness is apparent in your posts. Take solace in knowing Casey wouldn't have wanted his life any other way.