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Misleading Sam Club
11-05-2003, 01:54 PM
<Larry and Heidi in CA>Misleading Sam Club
So I broke down a couple months ago on the side of the road. After being towed with minimal coverage through my insurance company, I decided to give Good Sam a call. I mention to the representative that I only have Sam's basic membership and am interested in towing coverage since I recently had an incident. This "Good Sam" representative (employee #646) states that if I "sign up right now" for 2 years at $164.90, I can file a claim and get reimbursed. I ask, "even after the fact?" "YES" I am told. So I give her my money. Now I get a letter of rejection. A phone call to a supervisor and all she can say is, "Well that girl doesn't work here anymore"...So I guess I was misled. You know it's funny because for years as a kid I would point out that smiling face with the "Halo" every time I'd see one. A few years later and I won't be pointing to that smiling face anymore. I just like people to keep their word. This is just my experience. Hopefully this story will somehow help you down the road.
11-05-2003, 06:51 PM
pre-mudWell, you were obviously misled, but it wouldn't be too smart for any company to have a policy like that, heck, why join unless you have a claim to file??? She was gonna say anything to earn her commission bucks, but really I don't think I can fault the company for not backing her up.
11-05-2003, 08:47 PM
<Larry and Heidi in CA>Hey Premud, what kind of Barth do you own?
11-05-2003, 09:13 PM
Al BentonSorry Pre-mud.. But she was a representative of the company and when she accepted the money..THERE WAS A CONTRACT... Based on your theory a company can use the excuse "She no longer works for us" and had no authority to do "whatever"... That's why you give employees training and guidelines before having them deal with the public..In my opinion "There was a contract" and it should have been paid. If all customers could tape the conversation.."as some companies do" for verification purposes as they say... You could take that to court and the company would certainly be liable... ETHICS ...
"I'M FOR THE PLAINTIFF" in this case...
11-05-2003, 09:43 PM
Shadow manI guess on something like this you need to ask to talk to their supervisor to verify it at the time. Then later you might be able to make a good case of it.
11-05-2003, 10:35 PM
DALE SMITHI would bet you are not the only one this sales person went over-board with. Asked it the call was taped. Maybe you could meet them half way, or even offer to buy now two more years worth of coverage. Don't be surprised if a some point they say, WHY WOULD WE PAY YOU TO JOIN? I don't know your tow charges, but they could very easy be higher than the two years worth of coverage you purchased, and if that is the case you knew such at the time of your call. With this in mind they are going to wonder why you believed their sales person. I'm on your side, and wish you well, but this may be what they are thinking. In some sense it is like "IF IT'S SOUNDS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT PROBABLY IS". I am not picking on you but giving you food for thought. Dale P.S. You can ask for a refund of the two year package. Would you have purchased the coverage had you known they were not going to pay the two month old tow charges? That's something only you know. You still have the protection, and that is good. I bet this does end with both parties happy.
[This message has been edited by DALE SMITH (edited November 05, 2003).]
11-06-2003, 02:19 AM
<Larry and Heidi in CA>Hey where did premud go? Anyway thanks for the support guys...Of course I didn't believe these people would pay my $450 towing bill for a $160 tow subscription. I would not have signed up if the rep. didn't make me this deal. But a Good Sam representative did make me this deal.. And when I called in and spoke to a supervisor, I was told to fill out the claim form exactly as it happened and they would take care of it. The claim was still rejected. No hard feelings. A little disappointed. I really thought Good Sam was a class act. I guess nobodys perfect. And I mean nobody.
11-06-2003, 02:55 AM
olroyFWIW, I had one experience with Good Sam road service, in 1991. We had a 23' GMC, and the day before we left CA for home in WA, I signed up. Two days later, I blew the tranny at the summit of Pacheco Pass, on the way from I-5 to Gilroy.
Coasted down the mountain, it seemed like forever, finally found a phone. My membership hadn't found its way through the computer system yet, but they did send a tow that took me into Gilroy.
Dealer wanted $1800 to rebuild the tranny, maybe he could get to it in three days. Paid my own tow to an independent tranny shop. Two days later I was on the road again, $1100 poorer.
Never got a bill for the tow into Gilroy, never had another word from Good Sam. Next year, I signed up with my own insurance co. (USAA). 8 bucks per year, per vehicle. Had to use them in 2001, in Tucson. They paid the tow, no questions asked.
I can't compain about my $79.95 Good Sam policy, or my $8.00 USAA policy either, but it is disturbing that you received false representations from the G.S. salesperson.
G.S. calls itself a club, but it's a big profit-making enterprise, with all that means in 2001 America. The bottom line comes first, then customer service. Let's hope that salesperson was an aberration, but don't rely on it. Caveat emptor.
11-06-2003, 05:11 AM
bill hLarry or Heidi: You mention Minimal coverage for towing from your insurance company-----What company was it and how did towing coverage fall short? They stuck you for $450, I guess, huh?
11-06-2003, 12:30 PM
pre-mudI'm still here, sorry, rereading my post I guess I came across as a smart-axx, not my intention. Since you called back and they took your claim info, that does sound pretty low. I'm not a Barth owner until Friday next week, I will then be the proud new owner of an 88 Regal SE 33', the one on the for sale forum. Sent a down payment to the owner wednesday, he's meetin me in Albuquerque next week to deliver.
11-06-2003, 12:51 PM
DALE SMITHI have always said that a LETTER, E-MAIL, AND POSTS can very easily be mis-understood. One does not hear the senders TONE of voice, or see their body movements, and with this in mind I truly hope we all consider such. I like to kid, and my BRIDE of 43 years says I kid to HARD. I am not perfect, but I NEVER mean to hurt ones feelings, and I think most members feel the same. Isn't this site GREAT.
11-06-2003, 02:32 PM
davebowersAs a saleman for the last 30+ years I am quite familiar with salemans hiperbole which is more blatant the younger the sales person is. When you get older and have saved a little a saleman lies less. And then adding to it fact that you hang a commission in front of a barely educated young person who is probably already deep in credit card debt then you get these kind of things. I can not quote you an instance since I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning. But, I recall saying to one of these youngsters, "Now are you sure about that?"
I even had a friend of my son's who was a recent college graduate and got his first job at a mortgage firm, calling me to re-fi and telling me that he wouldn't charge me "any" closing costs. Ya sure....
The closest thing to post insurance, (buying insurance for something that's already happened) was a guy from church no less, who would buy a big 6 month term life policy on his wife when ever she went in for here yearly mameogramm. Can you believe that?
I think the best advise has already been said, "If it is too good.............
Hey pre-mud welcome, welcome, welcome....You're getting that beautiful 88 Regal. Man, that is a nice coach. But tell me, did you send your downpayment before the 4th of Nov?. You can see that I said that this coach would last a max of two weeks and the 4th is the 14th day.
I sure hope you can come to the rally, I would love to see that kitchen set up. It is very appealing. My wife Deb especially liked that.
"Ships are safe in the harbor.....But that's not what ships are for"
1985 28 foot Regal
Dave and Deb Bowers
11-06-2003, 02:52 PM
MissliltinyPre-Mud;Are you getting Carl David's Barth?Great looking Barth.I think we all need to read the fine print in our road service.All the company are trying to make money off of us.Some you get one call every 7 day you pay for others call.Good Luck with your Barth & WELCOME to the Barth family. Jay&Shelby
11-06-2003, 03:12 PM
DALE SMITHI bet that tag 33 turns on a dime. Wow would I love such with our 38, but then again I like to DREAM. If I ever move up I would like to consider a 96-98 40ft, but have not seen any, and turning would still be WIDE... WELCOM PRE-MUD. Dale
11-06-2003, 04:41 PM
<Larry and Heidi in CA>That was quite a story Ol Roy. I harbor no ill feelings towards anybody. This is life. And Bill, It was my own fault for believing my Farmers insurance agent of 14 years stating that I had "complete roadside service" with "Foremost RV insurance". Had I read the fine print, I would have found that Foremost only reimburses $100. I also have an Interstate service contract that reimburses for towing....IF a part failure was the reason for the tow. What actually happpened is I simply ran out of diesel because my research regarding the capacity of this 92 Breakaway indicated to me I still had 20 gal.s left in the tank. It's been an expensive research project. Thanks to Eddie, now I know all about my fuel tank and it's handicap. Congratulations to Pre-mud on your new Regal! Get towing coverage before you leave!