06-08-2007, 01:36 AM
ironsidesBill H. Boat Question?
Bill, since you have mentioned boat ownership before i thought i would run this by you.
I just bought a 1994 celebrity bow rider 20 footer with a volvo penta 5.0 302 cubic inch i/o. Any idea of the horsepower of this engine?
Thanks in advance,

06-08-2007, 10:34 AM
olroyThe current Volvo 5.0 comes in 2 flavors, 270 & 220 hp. They are fuel injected. The 1994 might be carbureted, but specs are likely to be similar.
In boats, as in autos & RVs, hp is only a number to brag about. The proof of the pudding is in performance.
06-08-2007, 11:05 AM
ironsidesThanks Roy, It is carburated. I suspect 220. I haven't put it in the water as it is in great need of thourogh cleaning and servicing since it has sat for 1 1/2 years after being properly fogged and winterized.
I dumped some sea foam in the carb and the fuel tank, put in a new battery hooked up the water hose to it and uurrrrrrmmmpppp. Sounds healthy but time will tell. Lots to check before it's time to float her.
06-08-2007, 08:28 PM
bill hMike, no experience on I/Os here.
Seafoam might be good for the carb, but I would suck out all that old gas. Today's gas seems to go bad faster and worser. If the Seafoam and fresh gas don't do it, try Red Line Fuel System Conditioner. I have had it work where others did not.
If it has a Holley type carb, check the carb for gas leaks at the float bowl gaskets. They like to shrink when sitting dry. Give the engine compartment a sniff check before the first start of the day.
Does it have a bilge ventilator? If so, run it before every start.
06-09-2007, 01:12 AM
olroyGood advice about the Holley carb. Been there, done that.
As to the bilge blower, I have always, ALWAYS religiously run it, & sniffed the outlet to be sure I had no fuel odor.
Had friends many years ago who didn't do it. One had photos of his boat split all the way down the stem, with the deck & houses sitting on the beached hull at an odd angle. Miraculously the boat blew up but didn't burn. Two p.o.b. had singed hair & eyebrows, but survived.
Another liveaboard with a 50' Carricraft burned to the waterline in Canada. Survived, but lost everything. Had to hitchhike home.
Yet another blew up & burned at the fuel dock right after fueling. There was a fatality on that one.
These were all bigger boats, but gasoline in enclosed spaces is deadly whether the boat is big or small. Run that bilge blower & sniff. Go no further if you smell gas. Do I over-react, I don't think so.
06-09-2007, 07:35 AM
ironsidesThanks Roy and Bill. Good advice. It does have a bilge blower and i will make sure it has ran for a sufficent time before every start.
I know I am the dangerous type as i had several boats in the late 60's and early 70's but no big ones since thus don't want to get into the know it all syndrome and do something stupid cause i relied on 35 year old past experience. I'll check the carb out also (already pulled the air cleaner and it needs washed out) AFTER we get done cleaning

. I must have forgot how hard it is to run a buffer with rubbing compound and wax. That MUST be why i bought this boat needing a year and a half of scum and dirt cleaned off.

06-10-2007, 11:39 AM
Danny ZOn most IO's [in my day], the air filter was actually a flame supressor, and many a fire has started because someone didn't think it necessary to put it back on before trying to start the engine, often when working on it and not wanting to take the extra minute. Never turn the key if the filter isn't on the carb.