05-08-2006, 04:00 PM
chattahocieBarth Construction Pictures
sorry for the over size picture...I'll have figure that part out

05-08-2006, 04:35 PM
bill h
I copied your 12 meg bitmaps and put them in my pictures. Then I moved them to Photobucket, where they became 178k meg JPEGs, which fit here fine.
Is there a story behind the pictures?
05-08-2006, 09:02 PM
RustySomebody's not going to get promoted very soon...

"StaRV II"'94 28' Breakaway: MilSpec AMG 6.5L TD 230HP
Nelson and Chester, not-spoiled Golden Retrievers
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we're not.
In either case the idea is quite staggering. - Arthur C. Clarke
It was a woman who drove me to drink, and I've been searching thirty years to find her and thank her - W. C. Fields
05-08-2006, 09:44 PM
bill hThe tower was telling the capt to lower the gear, but that darn horn was too loud.
05-08-2006, 09:54 PM
RustyThread Drift ALERT!
I used to fly out of Rochester, NH. Arriving at the field one afternoon, there was a Bonanza sitting on its belly pan. I asked the FBO what had happened, and he related what the pilot had told him:
FBO: "What happened?"
Pilot: "I was on short final, and that damned horn distracted me."
FBO: "I'm going to have to report that to the FAA rep."
Pilot: "That'd be me..."
"StaRV II"'94 28' Breakaway: MilSpec AMG 6.5L TD 230HP
Nelson and Chester, not-spoiled Golden Retrievers
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we're not.
In either case the idea is quite staggering. - Arthur C. Clarke
It was a woman who drove me to drink, and I've been searching thirty years to find her and thank her - W. C. Fields
05-09-2006, 12:27 AM
olroyIt was engine failure after takeoff. He didn't make the runway coming back. 17 people on board, but nobody killed.
The photo reminds me of a B-36 that bellied in just north of Denver in the '50s. He came in flat, on a flat plain, gently enough to leave six long, beautiful rows where his still turning 19 ft. props gouged the ground. Can't remember the cause, but the aircraft remained intact.
05-09-2006, 08:12 AM
Dave BowersThat's nuthin' Jack Bauer landed on a California freeway last night. Go Jack...