10-09-2015, 12:18 PM
Doug SmileyHow-to-Tips for Fulltimers AND RV Snowbirds
While in Canada, we provide a forwarding address for USA mail of 10-14 days into the future.
(It takes longer for mail to cross the border.) Advantages of subscribing to a permanent USA address include claiming rebates, receiving RV Club memberships/news or to send in warranties. We also used ours to purchase our economical USA Verizon Cellphone Plan. The latest bonus is – we've added our USA Address to our Canadian credit cards as a Secondary Address. Now we have a Zip Code address for on-line or pay-at-the-pump gas purchases. No mailing goes to this secondary address.
Another way to acquire a Working Zip Code is to use the three digits in your Postal Code followed with two zeros. For Instance our Postal Code is N5A 7X6 so our temp code is 57600. This system is working very well.
Every RV er requires a Permanent Resident Address for Drivers License, OHIP, Census, Taxes, Border Agent Qs plus everything official.
All Canadians must have a fixed address... mailing address can differ.
Renting a room at the kids or a friend works! we Canadians can sleep where we want.
Note: a PO Box number is not usually considered an official address for a Canadian resident.
Answer only questions agents ask at the Border volunteer nothing more.
If asked, Do you have any cigarettes??
Don't reply I don't smoke!
Agent asked, Do you have any cigarettes??
Answer yes or no.
All Snowbird RVers should call 1-703-526-4200 to listen to the blurb
What Foods can I take across the border!?
These phone numbers change every few months ....to find a new USA contact number
I phone any Canadian Customs agent.
We always cross with limited food... our first stop is at a Walmart Supercentre en route.
Passports are now mandatory.
Those who do not travel with a GPS will find the website
www.Freetrip.com offers a superior Trip-Tic-style planning tool.
NOTE: Time spent in Mexico does not count as time in USA.
See comprehensive story-link at
10-15-2015, 12:54 PM
Doug Smiley[quote]Those who do not travel with a GPS will find this...[quote]
www.Freetrip.com offers a superior Trip-Tic-style planning tool---
I tried this out and the free listing printout was informative in USA but in Canada when I planned a route from Ottawa to Nova Scotia with instructions to stay on Canadian roads, ie the TransCanada 4 lane highway, it sent me scurrying through two lane highways in Quebec and New England and crossing two international borders which I did not want to bother with!
It offers a email service of your results, from GoodSam, of what you have selected and that arrived in a rather garbled mess .

So I am requesting others to try this service out and give me feedback on your experiences and if it works for you.
It is free to play with...
If you don't have a GPS--- is it a useful aid for traveling??
10-15-2015, 02:38 PM
ccctimtationMy wife loves the GPS or Bi### in the box

and really likes the article on GPS or Death by GPS on IRV2.com,
http://tinyurl.com/p9yu2hlShe might be trying it for planning our next trip.
10-16-2015, 12:00 PM
Doug SmileyMount your device properly
According to GPStracklog, a site devoted to the care and feeding of GPS enthusiasts,
mounting your phone or PND on a windshield—including using the mount made for your device—is illegal in 28 states.
http://www.consumerreports.org...st-the-law/index.htm11-05-2015, 10:17 AM
Mike/Cindi Wmight not be the right place to put this, but...every US post office has a street address that mail can be delivered to. i.e, if I had my mail going to PO Box 444, Cambria, Ca 93428-0444. and a business said, sorry we don't ship to PO boxes, you would substitute: 4100 Bridge St, #444, Cambria, CA 93428-0444 (not my real address

). May want to check with the PO in question to verify the ZIP. Smaller towns will generally have the same PO Box ZIP as the street address ZIP, however in larger towns, the ZIP will sometimes be different for the PO Box side vs the street address side even though in the same facility. Works for me regularly , Amazon, FedEx,UPS, etc.. The USPO does actually advertise this option.. Maybe of some help to others..although, it still necessitates a visit to that facility to 'pick up your mail'..
a question I was wondering..: If you have a subscriber/forwarding service, do they do packages also or how do you do it FT-ers?
11-06-2015, 10:27 AM
ShadowMy mailing service in SD will ship whatever I want and where I want, Gen delivery as noted to a post office with a street address. Go to the PO in question, show ID and they give you your mail.It has never failed in the 12 years I have been doing it. Note after 30 days if no one picks up the mail, the PO will return to sender.