Barthmobile Portal
Burning Man: Beyond Black Rock
09-27-2006, 09:44 AM
Dave BowersBurning Man: Beyond Black Rock
I just saw a documentary on the Burning Man Festival. This is much more than I ever thought it was. The documentary is very, very interesting and well done. It is not for me, but I can understand why people go. I have great respect for the artist who developed these massive pieces in the middle of the desert.
If one thinks that this is just a bunch of hippies boondocking on the desert, think again. The couple who has run this from the beginning has a budget of, I think it was $9 million. They lay some 4 miles of underground high voltage wire. They have several generators delivered on the back of flat beds.
The dimension and scale of some of this is unbelievable. "The man" for example is beyond huge.
And is totally outlined in neon.
One guy builds a "temple" from wood and the scale of this thing is huge and he burns it also. It takes him a year to design and put together the parts which you can see here are very complex.
I am always interested in the back ground of how things world. Sometimes on TV shows like Monster Garage or Orange County Choppers they should take time to show how all the CAD guys and machinists do their stuff rather than just the guys who bolt and weld stuff together.
This documentary shows the great talent and "knowledge" it takes to pull something like this off.
09-27-2006, 12:15 PM
Bill N.Y.quote:
Originally posted by Dave Bowers:
I just saw a documentary on the Burning Man Festival.
What channel, what was it called? How long was the documentary? Was it current or from a few years ago?
Bill N.Y.
09-27-2006, 07:41 PM
It is not for me, but I can understand why people go.
Dave, one reason people may wish to go is I hear Taylor Hicks will be there next year.
There is lots of music, Dave how about a Barth music camp?
Has anyone spoken to Jen and Joe? I wonder how their trip was this year.
09-27-2006, 08:16 PM
Dave BowersBill it was a pay per view movie, probably under the indie heading. It is called
Burning Man: Beyond Black Rock
I discussed the 2004 Burning Man festival.
Tim, I thought about the Barth music camp. Not for long though. I understand that in the winter in the Rio Grande Valley there are tons of jam sessions with some good players.
06-19-2007, 06:06 PM
bill hThe July 2007 issue of Motor Cyclist magazine has a neat article on Burning Man.
I understand the feminists are in a dilemma over the name of the event. Some want to rename it to Burning Person, on account of its political correctness, but the man-haters among their ranks like the idea of Burning Man.
84 30T PeeThirty-Something, 502 powered
06-21-2007, 06:52 AM
Bill N.Y.quote:
Originally posted by bill h:
I understand the feminists are in a dilemma over the name of the event. Some want to rename it to Burning Person, on account of its political correctness, but the man-haters among their ranks like the idea of Burning Man.
A double edge sword...

I let this go before, but, is that a wardrobe malfunction in the second picture?
Bill N.Y.
06-21-2007, 04:58 PM
Danny ZI'm thinkin' it functioned just as planned.

79 Barth Classic
08-29-2011, 01:39 PM
Marvin+DorisHey folks, y'all missed your chance this year, Burning Man (or person) is SOLD out. It is happening from Aug 29 to Sep 5th 2011. Keeping my eyes open for a Barth heading that way, seen some colorful people and funky schoolbusses heading that way already. Cannot believe though that people are shelling out $280 or more per person to go there. Supposed to be a moneyfree zone (kind of like my wallet). But it is facinating for sure. Not as good as a Barth GTG though
Currently doing some time travel on Asphalt Interterrestrial highway 80 in our dinosaur powered Terramobil

1999 Bluebird Custom 33' 8.3 Cummins diesel pusher
Former owner 1989 Barth Regal 25'
Out of curiosity, I have a question....
What in tarnations is this?????
I saw an article in the newspaper about it and was probably even more confused about what it actually is....there was a picture that appeared to be guys dancing around in tutus.....
"StaRV II"'94 28' Breakaway: MilSpec AMG 6.5L TD 230HP
Nelson and Chester, not-spoiled Golden Retrievers
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we're not.
In either case the idea is quite staggering. - Arthur C. Clarke
It was a woman who drove me to drink, and I've been searching thirty years to find her and thank her - W. C. Fields
Rusty, Thanks for the web connection.
I appreciate that but I'm still confused. Kind of looks like an Airstream ralley from the air... Is is a rock-concert or music festival? Do they sit around and visit, drink or smoke themselves into oblivion?
Is it a trade show or craft show event? I guess I'm trying to figure out why someone would want to go out in the desert and hang out for a week...
08-29-2011, 06:15 PM
DoormanIf you go to Rusty link and scroll down to the link "what I saw at burning man" it will give you a good take of it. Short version-50,000 people-25,000 naked ,stoned,tripping,drunk, or finding themselves. or utopia.
1986 31' Regal -1976 Class C
454/T400 P30 -350/T400 G30
twin cntr beds - 21' rear bath
08-29-2011, 08:27 PM
Marvin+DorisI am sitting here at the exit off 80 where the folks stock up on last minute must haves like ice and beer and gas. With the exception of a pirate ship and an oversized recliner and a schoolbus with a Volkswagen mounted on top very regular looking people. Tons of rental RVs and almost looks like they got a 10 year age limit on RVs (they don't). Some look like they just left their retirement condo in Florida, most are cleancut everyday folks. They sure must be undercover mutants. Everyone got their bicycle with them. Oh the good old days of flower power and their painted Volkswagens. Selfexpression in a stick and staple SOB with swirls?
1999 Bluebird Custom 33' 8.3 Cummins diesel pusher
Former owner 1989 Barth Regal 25'
08-29-2011, 08:56 PM
Moonbeam-ExpressI had no interest in this until I saw "Blue Girl". Now I'm rethinking.....

Formerly: 1997 Barth Monarch
Now: 2000 BlueBird Wanderlodge 43' LXi Millennium Edition DD Series 60 500HP 3 stage Jake, Overbuilt bike lift with R1200GS BMW, followed by 2011 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited,
“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.”
08-29-2011, 08:58 PM
dustyjeeperWill you be coming back I-80?
1978 Barth 17' Cabin Fever
1997 Barth 23' 4 door Command Center