03-23-2018, 02:15 PM
Pirate19Update Signature Please
A lot of great commentary is posted. Many times I am not certain of the relevancy to my coach due to the member's posting signature does not identify the year, model, and upgrades of their particular coach.
May I suggest all to consider adding said details of their coach to their signature. Log on, click your name in Who's On Our Site Now, click View/Edit Complete Profile, then amend Signature and Submit. Thanks.
Yeah, admittedly a Kevin Wannabe, @#*&%. Excuse me.
03-23-2018, 03:05 PM
KevinI do not post the signature on every time I post. It is not necessary to post it unless I am asking for guidance from our knowledgeable membership here. I think members will get bored with seeing my signature over and over. Here is my signature for your enjoyment TED.
Hey TED, 52 more posts and you will be a Barth JUNKIE.
03-23-2018, 04:25 PM
Mike/Cindi WI also like coach detail on sig blocks..easier to spot info and see relevance to my own coach.. I'll take a look at mine and possible remove any redundancies..
I for one, get tired of looking at huge pics

which have nothing to do with Barth Coaches.. Might think about reducing those to avatar size, eh..? but, of course just my Personal Opinion ( POV ) ..
03-23-2018, 05:01 PM
KevinHey Mike, Mike, Mike, It is all about my Barth. Lots of stuff to do to my Barth when I get a round tuit.
"...the best apology is changed behavior..."...Is your Barth behaving better now that it is in the hands of mechanic.
03-23-2018, 07:57 PM
Mike/Cindi WYes, now my problem is finding tires as the Michelin Tires for our rig is on big time back order. Thinking 265 75 R 22.5 range with Toyo,Bridgestone
Anyone substituting tires in that range (sub for 255) recently?? Any comments?
03-23-2018, 09:21 PM
KevinI thought you had posted on another topic about wheels. Even though Signatures have nothing to do with wheels and tires I will answer here for you. Your data tag says, (provided I have the correct data tag) 255/80/22.5. Why are changing the size? I will look for your answer in the other post and you can link it here.