03-24-2022, 09:48 PM
Eric HerrleBreakaway Rooftop running lights
I’ve just changed mine out. The old ones are available to a good home. I’d put a picture up but I’ve never had luck with that.
Update! They have a new home. Thanks for fixing the photo Steve.
03-25-2022, 08:45 AM
Steve VWquote:
Originally posted by Eric Herrle:
I’d put a picture up but I’ve never had luck with that.
I just changed your luck. Thanks for offering the lights to a new good home. Good luck with that!

03-25-2022, 10:04 AM
Harold,Cat&SamWhat did you replace them with ?
Part numbers ?

Harold check this post.
https://www.barthmobile.com/eve...061/m/9491053722/p/1This would be info on the clearance lights. As Rusty points out unless NOS is found the tail lenses are nonexistent.
The clearance is the same as Mack truck.
03-25-2022, 10:17 PM
Eric Herrlequote:
Originally posted by Eric Herrle:
I’ve just changed mine out. The old ones are available to a good home. I’d put a picture up but I’ve never had luck with that.
Update! They have a new home. Thanks for fixing the photo Steve.
03-26-2022, 08:50 AM
Harold,Cat&SamI am planning to change ours out for new led cab lights.
03-26-2022, 11:40 AM
Gary CarterAll my exterior lights are old school except I installed some very good headlites. We seldom drive at night but wanted great headlites when we do.