11-09-2014, 11:17 PM
bill hNew Barth owners
Originally posted by Fulltimer:
I am having a bit of a problem still because I'm still getting the rear back fire from time to time.
Do you mean it goes bang out the exhaust? Or does it go bang in the intake manifold, carb or air cleaner?
From Wikipedia: A back-fire or backfire is an explosion produced by a running internal combustion engine that occurs in the induction system rather than inside the combustion chamber. Unburned fuel or hydrocarbons ignited from a slower burning, lean fuel air mixture that is still burning inside the cylinder when the intake valve opens. Not to be confused with afterfire which is caused by an excessively rich fuel air mixture that is not completely burned during combustion. It is then ignited in the exhaust.
11-25-2014, 06:10 PM
FulltimerOk first of all I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't been on in a few weeks. The storage place where I keep all my things (50'x50' unit filled with Sound, lighting, lasers, and quite a lot of tools from my promotional business) wanted to raze my rent. so I opted to move out instead. I got myself two more 8 1/2'x 28' enclosed trailers and spent the last 2 weeks moving in to them. Its nice because everything I have is ready to tour now. But I do have to admit things are a bit harder to get to, and there is no place to work on anything.
So now that drama is all over and I can get back to working on the barth as of the beginning of December.
Its an after fire. I'm sure of that. Now that I have the donuts replaced and a new muffler I don't see a ball of fire coming out my tail pipe anymore. Now its more like a hiccup.
Butt My next step is going to be the things you guys brought up.
I'm going to start looking for a good shop that has people who know what there talking about and don't mind me being in there and working with them while there working the barth. I need to get this thing running properly before the winter really gets going. And if I can get that up and running for not to much money, then I'm already starting to look into getting myself a new furnace for X-mass. Thinking 42000btu so I have the power if I need it. the original was only 16000btu. But the motor comes first! hopefully I will know more on that subject by the end of next week or middle of the fallowing week.
Happy holidays everyone!!!

09-20-2016, 04:53 PM
Den and LisaWhat if attachments don't show up in Photobucket after sending an email?
09-20-2016, 05:33 PM
Steve VWBe sure you have the address for Bill's inbox. You must also have a "subject" for them to be accepted. Bill has created a folder for you: "3440" Put this in the subject line, the uploads will then appear in your 3440 folder and in Bill's "recent uploads."
Once you find them in PB copy the IMG link at the bottom of the "share" box and paste the link into your Barthmobile post.
This a bit of a PITA but one full picture requires as much site memory as about 200 PB links will.
Good luck

09-20-2016, 06:05 PM
Den and LisaThink I got it! Thanks Steve VW
09-20-2016, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Den and Lisa:
What if attachments don't show up in Photobucket after sending an email?
Depending on PB traffic, the pix may show up instantly - or take 15 minutes or more.
09-20-2016, 06:51 PM
Steve VWquote:
Originally posted by Den and Lisa:
Think I got it! Thanks Steve VW
It looks like you did! (nice interior, I couldn't resist)
09-20-2016, 08:36 PM
Den and LisaThanks. Looks even better now. Cleaned from top to bottom, even the carpet. Only thing it is missing is the blender lol.
09-20-2016, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by Den and Lisa:
Thanks. Looks even better now. Cleaned from top to bottom, even the carpet. Only thing it is missing is the blender lol.
It took me awhile to find a blender on Ebay at a good price. Don't do what I did and buy other accessories. They just take up space.
Nice looking coach. I can tell you are already Proud of it.