08-31-2002, 04:28 PM
<Kajtek1>Barth Regency schematics cont.
Have to make new topic, because script error.
I found the "one item, one wire, one circuit breaker" on my 91 Regency very easy to work with. The 110V lighted switch over the door goes to power electric heater in water compartment. Since it's easy to turn it by accident - I have the plug on it pulled
10-01-2002, 02:59 AM
californiacool9kajtek1....I also have the 110 volt circuit to an electric heater/with plug and recepticle in the water tank compartment controlled by a switch in the panel over the entry door. My 1990 Regency has a thermostatically controlled receptical in there which is preset to turn on at 38 degrees F. to control that heater. If you remove the receptical and look at the bottom you should see the thermostat. So, in suspected cold weather you could leave the heater plugged in, turn on the overhead switch, sleep soundly, knowing that your water tank and plunbing will not freeze (Barth is a OK). Don