10-15-2002, 10:14 PM
<Glenn Thomas>Need wire diagrams for 78 27ft Barth
Please I need help in tracing some wires down .My gas gauges do not work.ANy help would be appreciated.Thanks
05-11-2003, 11:39 PM
John DearworthJust wondering if you had any luck finding wire diagrams because I need some for my 1973 21' Barth.
John W.Dearworth
05-12-2003, 12:59 AM
davebowersFirst of all, it is nice seeing some new folks on the website welcome.
The only diagrams/schematics I have seen for coaches earlier than the '90's have been just peripheral chassis schematics showing coach wiring. I hope I am wrong, but I don't think you are going to have much luck unless you can find an old Chevy manual. There is a website where you can get old car and truck manuals.
I just took a break from finishing this post and searched the internet and came up totally dry. It seems everyone else is looking for the same manual.[This message has been edited by davebowers (edited May 11, 2003).]
05-12-2003, 08:52 PM
REGLOVERGlen I have a 1976 GM Truck Wiring Manual
It covers the Cab , Engine & chassis for the P-30 its was put out by GM. Its only about
30 pages or so. If you would like to use it I'll mail it to you, then when you get the info just mail it back to me.
Ralph glover
05-13-2003, 07:15 PM
Eric HerrleI had a 1976 21' and a 1977 27'er both on P30 frames with complete manuals. The only wiring diagrams that came with them were the one supplied by GM for the chasis. No internal wiring diagrams were present.
06-20-2003, 04:47 PM
BootdudeSame here, The only info came from chevy. This mainly covered the wireing for running lights and the instrument cluster.
Originally posted by Eric Herrle:
I had a 1976 21' and a 1977 27'er both on P30 frames with complete manuals. The only wiring diagrams that came with them were the one supplied by GM for the chasis. No internal wiring diagrams were present.
I have a 1975 26' and need schematics for the GM truck part. Perhaps one of your schematics will help thanks.