10-03-2021, 07:23 PM
Nick CagleBarth CD's
I have two (2) Barth CD's that are free to the first two people that send me a mailing address to send them. If you want to contribute a couple of dollars to the website please do. Tried to include a picture of them but undoubtedly above my pay grade,
10-05-2021, 08:50 AM
Nick CagleCan't believe no one wants them. Maybe I priced them too high.
10-05-2021, 09:27 AM
Steve VWHey Nick you drive a hard bargain.

If no one takes them I will when I see you in a few weeks. I will find them a home.
01-14-2022, 09:51 PM
Nick CagleWell believe it or not after posting about the two free Barth CD's I misplaced them and could never find them again. Guess what tonight while looking for something totally different there they were. Ain't getting old wonderful. 77 in a couple of weeks. Anyway I will mail them tomorrow and the lucky recipients are Ian & Lynnette and Duane88. Hope you both enjoy them and sorry about the 3 month I lost them.
01-14-2022, 11:32 PM
Ian and LynnetteYahoo! I have PMed you with our address.
02-03-2022, 03:09 PM
Duane88Nick, bet the USPO hit them with a magnetic device mine is blank also!!
02-03-2022, 09:47 PM
Nick CagleSorry guys. They both worked fine here. Maybe they just don't like cold weather.
02-04-2022, 06:38 AM
Steve VWMagnets should not harm them. They are optical media, ie read and write with lasers. I suspect they are an older format. Most are now DVD format, they are probably an older type.

02-04-2022, 11:45 AM
Ian and LynnetteReally not a big deal. I started off life without the CD and am no worse off now. The disappointing result is no one's fault, and I do appreciate the generous offer and effort which went into this.
02-04-2022, 02:45 PM
ccctimtationAin't technology wonderful? We can turn in our homework and the future ate it! If you have an old antiquated confuser in the closet it just might work, providing it has a slot for a cd.
02-04-2022, 03:05 PM
Duane88Have an old TV that will also play a CD in Nose will try it next time I am up there.