09-14-2010, 04:43 PM
Tom and JulieEngine Heat Blankets
My brother recently purchased an 85 Regency with the Detroit Diesel engine and unlike my CAT powered one it did not come with heat blankets for the engine. I have seen the discussions about heat problems and want to share the vendor who makes these in kits for most the diesels. Advanced Thermal Products custom makes heat blankets that keep the engine compartment much cooler resulting in much less heat under the mattress in the rear bedroom.
www.atpwrap.comThey work great on mine.
09-18-2010, 12:25 PM
Jim & BarbTom,
That seems strange, are you sure someone didn't alter the engine housing cover (dog house).
My 1985 Barth with the Detroit has a built in heat sheild right on the engine lid and surrounding area. It looks factory.
1985 Barth Regency 35 ft MCC
8.2 Detroit 225 HP Allison 4 speed.
09-18-2010, 01:08 PM
Tom and JulieDog House? Is yours a front engine coach? His is a pusher and it has the padding under the bed hatch but that does not prevent engine bay heat problems. ATP are asbestos like blankets that are wired around the exhaust components to keep the heat inside the pipes and not allow it to radiate throughout the engine bay. These are very efficient and keep my engine area at no more than the temperature of the surrounding air. My batteries never got hot to the touch and they are located not more than 6 inches from the exhaust manifold.
09-19-2010, 08:21 PM
Jim & BarbTom,
I just used the expression "dog house" meaning the engine cover and the surrounding area under the beds in the rear of the coach. Yes, it is a diesel pusher.
Mine has twin beds and if I remove the night stand between the beds and move the mattress, that is where the engine cover is.
I would guesss it to be about one and a half inches thick. It appears to have sound and heat resistant material between the aluminum cover and it works very well. My batteries are in their own compartment and not exposed to the engine. There is plenty of air flow all around the engine and I have not had any heat or noise problems in the bedroom.