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Supporting Member of 12/20
Picture of Paul And Jaime
I want to put a new 454HO crate engine, new transmission, and a gear vender on my old Barth. Yea I know sounds crazy, but she is a sound rv with no leaks and just the right size for me. My question is how would I find a shop to do the work? I dont know where to even start to trust such a undertaking to. But I trust the advice I get here, So any suggestions? If I found the right place to take her I could replace the transmission myself and drop it off say 300- or 400-hundred-mile radius from London Kentucky. My intention is to create something special that not many people have but I dont know may be better off buying a different one. Thoughts?
Posts: 170 | Location: Ky | Member Since: 10-20-2020Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of Steve VW
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Too bad my 86 Regal 33 is not for sale.

It had a 454HO engine with throttle body fuel injection. OEM 240hp. 454HO about 400! confusion

That thing runs really well. Mileage went from 6.5 to 8. A few comments: My experience with the GM crate engine was not the best. The front seal leaked and I had to get a valve job on the heads due to improper valve lash.

The 454HO has an aggressive roller cam setup. With my 33 Regal it was lugging at 55 then ran stronger all the way to about 90. When I pulled the heads I installed a 502 cam and adjustable ball rocker pivots. The 502 setup was a better match. Power came on strong over 45, pulled like crazy to 80 or so. HP is down from about 430 to 400 but lots in the midrange where you need it.

If I did it over again, I would use the 502 crate engne. Inspect very carefully...

It is a pretty big job. Had to raise the engine, roll it back and out the side door. Big job unless you are handy and skilled. Depending on price you may be ahead to rebuild your 454. Ideally, you will want higher compression pistons, 502 cam with roller lifter conversion, and roller chain cam sprockets.

The 454HO has all forged parts and 4 bolt mains, but for RV use these are not important.

I replaced the trans with a TCI rv transmission. Nice shifts, better lockup. This is a relatively easy job. Unhook, lower it down, slide it out. Not too difficult.

Fuel injection is a huge improvement. I did mine a while back, there are more choices now with more owner programmable options. Runs smoother, better cold starts, no hesitation, better mileage.

I really liked that motorhome. With the new driveline it had lots of power for hills and traffic. I traded up to the Monarch for the extra space but I really miss driving the Regal.

Good luck with your choices!

"98" Monarch 37
Spartan MM, 6 spd Allison
Cummins 8.3 325+ hp
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Picture of BarthBluesmobile
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>how would I find a shop to do the work?
My ideas would be to look for the truck shops that repower the big rigs, and custom car shops that install big blocks in to the classic muscle cars. Or find a mechanic at such a place that is looking for side work.

Have you considered the 4L85E transmission with the built in overdrive? Additional hassle factors are the computer controls.

Other ideas? You might want to go with a serpentine belt setup at this time. I think 1994 and 1995 had the AC compressor on the driver side. Swapping sides around for the accessories might mean changing the wire harness too.

You are in Kentucky so you might want to contact Visone RV Parts and see what they have for recent big block rigs brought in for parting out. Having the 8100 engine might be cool. It might mean computers and sensors, so there are trade offs for long term (think decades) of operations.

I'm eager to see where you go with this.

1987 Barth 27' P32 Chassis
Former State Police Command Post
Chevrolet 454
Weiand Manifold, Crane Cam, Gibson Exhaust
Posts: 564 | Location: Massachusetts | Member Since: 07-28-2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Would you just look at that! a 2003 Vortec 8100 and an Allison automatic...
Posts: 564 | Location: Massachusetts | Member Since: 07-28-2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Matt has a good point for the 4L85E if you are thinking about the Gear Vendor unit. The Gear vendor requires driveshaft mods in addition to cost of the unit.

The 4L85E would drop in. You get an overdrive. Requires electronic controls but can be done fairly easily. Or just hooks to the PCM module with a newer engine.

Lots of choices. hmm

"98" Monarch 37
Spartan MM, 6 spd Allison
Cummins 8.3 325+ hp
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Supporting Member of 12/20
Picture of Paul And Jaime
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I found a place in bowling green KY willing to quote me a price. Just sent pics of vin and engine bay, and outside of RV. I had considered the 4L85E. I had also considered This.

If I am going to do something like this, I really do want the best choice, whatever that is and whatever the cost. Really is a shame that I am ignorant of just what THAT is. lol

The Vortec looks interesting, but would it be better than a 502?
Posts: 170 | Location: Ky | Member Since: 10-20-2020Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Recently had my Barth engine replaced and the transmission rebuilt. Total cost for both was about $9000. Same size engine and transmission was upgraded a bit.

The engine was replaced by a truck repair shop, they did not do much work on gas engines or RV's the job left stuff to be desired. My recommendation is find a place familiar with RV's.

The transmission shop was familiar with RV's and the th400 they thought it was ok at least for a 350 engine to just rebuild and upgrade. He did strongly recommend the Gear Vendors overdrive.

1971 24 ft Barth Continental
P30 chassis
350 engine
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Picture of Paul And Jaime
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Just Heard back from the shop I contacted, Quoted me around 50 hours to replace the engine and transmission, Labor will be around 8500 to 9000 dollars. Said it wouldn't be a problem to have motor and trans shipped to them. Any recommendations on where to purchase a 454 crate engine and transmission? Thanks
Posts: 170 | Location: Ky | Member Since: 10-20-2020Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of Paul And Jaime
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I also got a quote from SandJ engines online.
GMC-454MHLB $2689.00BBC
Balancing Upgrade $475.00
Port & Polish Cylinder Heads $650.00
Color: Standard Coating $0.00
Engine Core: REFUNDABLE $800.00
Shipping: $400.00
Total: $5014.00
Posts: 170 | Location: Ky | Member Since: 10-20-2020Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Hello Paul & Jamie,
I think it is very admirable of you to seek advice or suggestions. It shows a willingness to consider other points of view. I spent 5 years of my life acquiring a fine arts degree in drawing & design(I wanted to design cars for GM or boats for Chris Craft), and critiquing one's own & others' work was a large part of the educational process. In short, I've learned not to take criticism personally.
That said, if you were considering adding a set of headers or fuel injection to your engine, I would personally understand that. However, if I interpret your description correctly, you're considering dropping $20,000 to upgrade your coach? Before I would get that involved, I seriously would consider another Barth, such as a 30'-33' Breakaway.
Consider these observations: it seems to me that the majority of the experienced & knowledgeable members on this site own or are operating Barth diesel pusher of one description or another. Moreover, rarely do I see posts from them concerning their carburetor floats or vapor-lock, distributor skipping timing or frying modules, etc. I think you get the idea. You had mentioned building something unique, if one views the data project on this site, you can quickly count well over 200 Chevy(mostly 454) powered Barths. Conversely, a 5.9 Cummins powered Barth, is approximately 50. Thus, four times as rare. Lastly, let's assume that you get your engine(ported & balanced) & a transmission & rear gear to handle it, will the forty year old frame stand up to it? My brother-in-law of 50 years owns one of the largest auto salvages in Central PA & was a big-block Chevy man until the frame in one of his rollbacks broke. It was so common that Chevrolet had a special part number called a "Glove Kit" to piece the truck back together. Since then, he has been purchasing new International trucks(4300) with the legendary 466 diesel.
So, if I were in your position, I would probably take the upgrade money which you may spend, call Chevy Two Racer who's selling a 33' Breakaway in "Barth for Sale", offer him $25,000 & call it a day Smiler
Regardless of your decision, good luck & best wishes,
Posts: 60 | Location: Central Pa. | Member Since: 03-24-2019Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of Paul And Jaime
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Thank you Goodsign for your thoughts and they have been similar to mine since my transmission went out. The numbers I posted were only a starting point for discussion, I was hoping to bring those numbers down to around 12000 or so.
The Rv has a lot of sentimental value and was really taken care of in terms of storage. There is zero rust anywhere you would expect, no leaks, many many many upgrades to electrical and plumbing not to mention interior. New tires, New flooring, New alternator, New hydro boost, New rebuilt generator with 25 hours on rebuild.
I guess if you take the one sentence and say " Its a 1984 RV on a P30 frame is it worth 15000 to have a more modern drive train? Then I would say no it's not, But this one is special, you can tell she wants to be on the road, and for her age she is in fantastic shape, I guess I forgot the most important part, my wife loves talking to all the people in the campground everywhere we go about the history of Barth and how the very first trip in it on the way home from the purchase, the toilet leaked and soaked the carpet in the back half of the Rv and so many fun and wonderful memories after that. Yea my wife is an unrealistic dreamer and if it makes her smile more in her life then it's worth it, and while it may make sense to just fix it cheap and sell and buy new, I think I will stay the course. Some people can feel the soul of an old vehicle, all the people that owned it before and all the energy of all the memories and couldn't bear to part with it, I guess were those kinds of people, Our needle swings too far to the side of sentimental than practical.
Posts: 170 | Location: Ky | Member Since: 10-20-2020Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Official Barth Junkie
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Picture of Steve VW
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I can totally understand. Diesel pushers are desirable for long haul but the Regals are more retro. I bought my 1986 33ft tag axle Regal for 10k. I replaced ACs, appliances, tires(8!) brakes, suspension, entire driveline, generator. In the meantime I put over 40,000 miles on it. By that time I had well over 25k into. I knew I would never see a return on my investment but didn't care.

I really liked that coach. The 454HO ran really strong, tag axle steered straight through crosswinds. Good brakes and tuned suspension too. I still miss driving it.

Extended stays in Florida drove the change to the 37ft Monarch. While I really like the diesel Monarch, the Regal had more personality. I kept the Regal a couple more years but it was getting no use. I sold it to a fellow who flew from Texas to Michigan and drove it home sight unseen. It had lots of spares and I was asking 15k. Given his lengthy trip home we settled on 13.5k. Lost a bunch of money on that one, as expected. It didn't matter. I had already gotten the satisfaction of years of use and lots of fun. As I said, compared to driving the Monarch, I miss the Regal.

Good luck with yours, no matter which options. As long as you use it and enjoy it, it will be worth every penny. I have about 40,000 miles on the Monarch. I have more into it than market value, but again, I don't care. I have used it regularly and had really good times. Thumbs Up

"98" Monarch 37
Spartan MM, 6 spd Allison
Cummins 8.3 325+ hp
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I understand your sentiment, you love your Barth, and you just HAVE TO do something to make it your happy place for years or decades to come.

You probably want it reliable, maintainable, and certain to perform as needed. You're thinking about a major expenditure to make that happen.

You have choices. Short of repowering the machine, you might want to say, "what can I do with the existing 454" to give me what I want? You can replace every pump, every fuel line, perhaps the intake manifold, perhaps the camshaft, go to a new carburetor or EFI unit, perhaps have a new wire harness brought in, have every ground connection attended to, replace battery cables... Take an attitude equivalent to the leadership at one of those companies that restores corporate jets... Every detail is addressed, and new parts are brought in, just because of age.

If you want a mechanic to "get in to it", you could go with the L29 heads from the Vortec version of the 454, get more compression, more power output.

That is making the most and making the best out of an engine design that dates to the 1960s.

Or if you are toying with the idea of going "new", you don't have to go "big" given what new technology can do. The LS3 with 376" puts up some amazing numbers. It has roughly $10K tag on it.

You'll need Engine Controller Kit 19420000 for roughly $2K as well.

It will be turn key, and every Chevrolet dealership will be able to hook their computer to it if you need help with it.

You probably will do the fuel lines and all the electrics over with that. There's probably a modern transmission that mates to that too, with overdrive.

Some of the fun of this is in thinking of the options!

I wonder if a better idea for the "dog house" can be thought up. Maybe some added insulation for sound, maybe a different way of installing and removing the two halfs of it, for better engine access, and maybe as use as a table surface when parked....

What ever you choose, you'll have a really cool rig!

happy motoring,

1987 Barth 27' P32 Chassis
Former State Police Command Post
Chevrolet 454
Weiand Manifold, Crane Cam, Gibson Exhaust
Posts: 564 | Location: Massachusetts | Member Since: 07-28-2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Supporting Member of 12/20
Picture of Paul And Jaime
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Originally posted by BarthBluesmobile:
Would you just look at that! a 2003 Vortec 8100 and an Allison automatic...

Got a price on that.

4500 for the motor
2000 for the transmission.

May Go with a gear vender and a rebuilt th475. My motor still runs as good as you would expect. hummmmmm. I will decide soon and post accordingly.
Posts: 170 | Location: Ky | Member Since: 10-20-2020Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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i just skimmed over the replies and comments on this project , and i think , ' IF IT WAS ME ' i would take total on the quotes for the project and the time projection and multiply them by 2.5 . or maybe 4

if i was not going to be happy at 2.5 times the total quoted cost and being without my rv for a years or ???? i would xxxcan the project . because like a wedding that's what it is going to cost .

if i was going to consider a project like this i would buy a collision damaged 3-10 year old , BIG BIG pick up ,

a 350 or 450 OR BIGGER or a stake truck , cut the body off , keep all the controls ALL ALL

I would got to a shop equipped enough to pull the entire body off the BARTH and the pickup and deliver the chassis to the engine shop , let them change everything and then drive the
NEW barth chassis back to the place that has the barth .
and let them reinstall it .

after you spent 25,000 total you can ask yourself " why did i not just purchase a new chassis for this project ?????

if your are still going forward i know of a shop in jellico tn who mite consider this
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