06-06-2010, 02:08 PM
StratosurferDigital to Analog A/C Thermostat
I didn't get any takers on my front roof A/C stat problems so I will rephrase. I have a 5 button digtal thermostat on my front roof A/C. The A/C is an older Dometic Penguin 12,500 BTU that I believe was converted from analog T-stat to digital.
Can I go the other way? Back to the analog T-Stat. The digitals are nice but I believe unneccessary in the case of this old A/C.
07-12-2010, 08:07 AM
Bruce & KathleenAs I am dealing with a AC issue on my old Duo Therm unit I can tell you that I am sure that conversion back could be done, but you will probably find the parts to do it unavailable.
07-12-2010, 08:22 AM
Gary CarterIf you have only two wires coming from the AC then any low end thermostat will work as they are really not much more than an on/off switch.