| Thanks! That is what I was told too. Then there was some new old stock Anvil 400 members were trying to get. When I spoke with Nick from the company that made the product, Nick stated the raw materials going into the finished product were not readily available. With Environmental Protection restrictions Anvil 400 will not be produced anymore by his company. |
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| Posts: 17 | Location: Parkersburg, IA | Member Since: 09-15-2021 |  

| I found a product sold at Home Depot that I think I will try this spring made by AMES. They also have a fiber tape that may work better than eternabond on the seams. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Am...ating-MSS5/311174186Due to health issues I had to put all projects on hold last year buy as soon as spring is here I intend to double my efforts. lol. |
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