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Matching New Cherry Wood to Old.

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05-29-2010, 12:35 AM
bill h
Matching New Cherry Wood to Old.
For those of you with cherry cabinetry:

The current issue of Woodcraft Magazine has an article on staining/treating new cherry wood to match old.

I usually leave it out in the sun (under glass), but this article goes in several different directions, and has comparative pictures.

If anyone would like a copy, holler and I will scan it after the weekend and send it.

Does anyone have a link to a site that will instruct a computer klutz in scanning into a .pdf file? My scans into .jpg are fine for pictures, but articles with text need to be very large files for the text to be readable. Graphs with parabolae, etc, are even worse.


84 30T PeeThirty-Something, 502 powered
05-29-2010, 06:28 AM
Bill, I'd like a copy. Although my coach cabinets are walnut, I do a lot with cherry and am always looking for different techniques of matching. Thanks.

Tom & Jillene

1988 Regal
28' Chevy 454
06-01-2010, 03:03 PM
Gary Carter
I thought I had cherry, but it turns out the doors are mfb (?) with a photo covering and glued on edging. All the edging is coming loose and some I have glued back on. Also I had some paint mixed to match the wood(?) and used it on some edges. The frames are real wood though.

Still like a copy of the article.

'92 Barth Breakaway - 30'
5.9 Cummins (6B) 300+ HP
2000 Allison
Front entrance
06-01-2010, 03:22 PM
The edging on my cabinets was also coming loose. I used the same pre-glued, iron-on veneer that I used to replace the wood grain insert on my Corian counter tops. Should be available at your local builders' supply. It was in my small town, & not too expensive.

Stain it to match, iron it on, & trim the overhang with a razor blade. Small deal unless you have a lot of cabinets that need it.
06-01-2010, 03:28 PM
Gary's and my Breakaway have the same cabinets. The edges are also coming off. Anyone ever remove the glued on banding? There are too many places to reglue. Looking through woodworker magazines I can get a roll of matching material applied with an iron. The areas where edges are holding are doing just that, HOLDING.............

Former owner of "THE TOY"
1988 Barth Regal SE 33' Tag
1992 Barth Breakaway 32'
2005 Coachmen Mirada 32' DS