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Door hinge

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09-20-2019, 10:18 PM
Bob G
Door hinge
Anybody have any thoughts on obtaining a new replacement door hinge on the breakaway door? (forward pax entry)
09-21-2019, 09:40 AM
An internet search came up with several different kinds . With a picture or part number , i bet one could be tracked down.

Sam Miniature Schnauzer
3.8.2009 - 9.24.2021

93 30ft Breakaway

09-21-2019, 12:55 PM
Doug Smiley


The 82 MCC {by Barth}
is not an rv--
it is a Motor Coach!!

09-21-2019, 06:53 PM
As an aside, may I suggest that a seasonal application of liquid graphite, aerosol or liquid, to the door's piano hinge goes a long way to reduce wear. Apply, wait, wipe clean. Additionally, there's been discussion inre door closures repairs. One might consider applying pressure (pushing/pulling) inward when pulling on the handle, and only "half" closing except when traveling down the road.

Can you use the existing hinge by removing the fasteners from the door, shim the door high in opening, and then refastening?

'92 Breakaway
Cummins 190hp, No Modifications
Allison AT542
Floor Plan 30-BS-11B
09-22-2019, 11:43 PM
Gary Carter
A few years ago I cut washers to insert into the hinge. This raised the door up. They are still doing the job. I used locking washers as it was easier to cut out enough to slip it over the shaft. Kinda snapped into place.

'92 Barth Breakaway - 30'
5.9 Cummins (6B) 300+ HP
2000 Allison
Front entrance
09-23-2019, 08:17 AM
kenny j
I used nylon washers on mine. I cut a small notch out and they snapped into place. My source was McMaster Carr. After being a sheet metal fabricator most of my life, I decided to make my own hinge. Unfortunately, our turret punch wasn't big enough to handle the size tooling it would take to form the hinge barrels. If enough people would need hinges for the front entry, I would check with my old competitors and see what the cost would be. I drew up a print for the width, I would still have to measure the height but no big deal. But we would need more than one or two in order to make it cost effective.
12-01-2019, 05:26 PM
Eric Herrle
On my Breakaway I lifted the door with a bottle jack then used small cable ties in the hinge gaps with some WD40. Works great
12-10-2019, 08:50 PM
That's funny , I've used the zip ties for this type application as well .

Sam Miniature Schnauzer
3.8.2009 - 9.24.2021

93 30ft Breakaway

12-16-2019, 09:51 PM
Evan & Holly
It seems all the breakaway door hinges need replacement I need one and would pay for new tooling set up count me in if someone knows a shop to make them
12-16-2019, 09:55 PM
Evan & Holly
Also my breakaway dosn"t have a screen door witch also contributes to the door wearing out the hindge when camping i wish i had one do any of the Breakaways have screens please post
12-29-2019, 04:32 PM
Evan & Holly
Kenny could you let me know a price were to get made and were company is that mite tool up to make or you could call me 732 673 2284 about this matter to get the ball rolling
12-29-2019, 05:00 PM
The hinge looks similar to the hinges on our ambulance boxes . What are the measurements ?

Sam Miniature Schnauzer
3.8.2009 - 9.24.2021

93 30ft Breakaway

12-29-2019, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Evan & Holly:
Also my breakaway dosn"t have a screen door witch also contributes to the door wearing out the hindge when camping i wish i had one do any of the Breakaways have screens please post

Yes some did have screens. DBarth had some wear on the hinges but shimmed with a single stainless washer at each wear point like others who split and tapped into place. Brought it to the right alignment.

The screendoor was great. Can't understand why any were made without?? Camp Barth didn't have one. When I am up there in the summer I hate when our Minnesnowta bird the Mosquito follows me in.

Midnight has a good one. Much heavier duty than DBarth.

Dana & Lynn
1997 38ft Monarch front entry
Spartan Mountain Master Chassis
Cummins 8.3 325hp
Allison MD-3060 6 speed
22.5 11R
Cummins Factory Exhaust Brake
8000 watt Quiet Diesel Generator
Christened Midnight

1972 22ft
Christened Camp Barth
12-29-2019, 06:36 PM
kenny j
Hi Evan, I will do some checking, I still remember a few names and will make a few calls. Will get back to you soon.
12-29-2019, 07:11 PM
kenny j
Evan, one other thing. If you look at the rivets holding the hinge on, you will notice that there was no set hole locations. They hand drilled them and free handed the location. I will check on hinges with no holes. Make a cardboard template from the old hinge and transfer the holes.