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Short Barth needs new floor plan

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04-27-2010, 10:38 PM
Short Barth needs new floor plan
The tv will go on the short wall toward the front. I have already removed the fluorescent light and changed the light switch to an outlet for the tv. This way we can use the bathroom wall as part of our backrest.

1978 Barth 17' Cabin Fever
1997 Barth 23' 4 door Command Center
05-03-2010, 11:01 AM

Front cabinet is gone. New wall well be moved back 1 foot. This will allow me to push my drivers seat back and lean it a little while driving. It will also let me swing it around to use at table that will be there some day. Notice temporary recliner that will be replaced with wall hugger recliner in the future. Frame work of refrigerator and stove will be built next. Yes I'm in the process of moving a lot of electrical.

1978 Barth 17' Cabin Fever
1997 Barth 23' 4 door Command Center
05-07-2010, 09:58 PM

The electrical box is in its new spot. The walls of the fridge and stove have been started. Daisy has discovered the dash.

1978 Barth 17' Cabin Fever
1997 Barth 23' 4 door Command Center
05-07-2010, 10:26 PM
Lookin Good DJ!!! GE Panel?

Click for Saint Clair Shores, Michigan Forecast

35' Regency
MCC Chassis
8.2 Detroit Diesel
"Partly Cloudy"
05-08-2010, 08:40 PM
Thanks patch. The 100 amp box is going away for a smaller 50 amp that will be under the stove.

I did gain 7" behind the drivers seat making it usable. The frame work is done on the stove. I scored a lp manifold tank for $35. I hope to fit it in front of the tires.

1978 Barth 17' Cabin Fever
1997 Barth 23' 4 door Command Center
05-09-2010, 07:47 PM
The fridge framing is finished. We can now spin both captain chairs around and use for the living room. There will also be a pedestal table that can be set up when its dinner time.

1978 Barth 17' Cabin Fever
1997 Barth 23' 4 door Command Center
05-19-2010, 10:54 PM

The bathroom vent had become brittle from the sun and was no longer working. It also had the non working lights. I used 1/4" poly to fish my 12 volt wiring to the new location. It did not catch on the insulation and I was able to bend it through the cross framing that was near the new light.

The fluorescent light was moved to in front of the mirror so I can see shaving.

The fantastic fan is in and working.

1978 Barth 17' Cabin Fever
1997 Barth 23' 4 door Command Center
05-20-2010, 09:22 AM
Glad to see that you got proper supervision by Daisy. Things are sure looking better!

1999 Bluebird Custom 33' 8.3 Cummins diesel pusher

Former owner 1989 Barth Regal 25'

05-20-2010, 05:12 PM
Thanks. Daisy is a big help.

The electrical is nearly finished. All boxes were moved under the new stove. The transfer switch and the battery charger were both bad. A smaller breaker box was used for height reasons. Every thing now works including generator, 12 volt, and 110.

The generator start switch and the pump/level indicators have been moved to above the stove.

I gained 2" ground clearance by cutting off the down tube and raising the silencer. hmm It had to be welded back together. It had hit the ground a few timed. The top was dimpled to clear mounting bolts. The outer door was worked on to clear the new exhaust tube.

1978 Barth 17' Cabin Fever
1997 Barth 23' 4 door Command Center
05-21-2010, 06:13 PM

Daisy tired of waiting on me.

The battery shut off moved up to where there easy to reach. The level for the jacks moved up so we can sweep the floor. Under fridge cut out for storage space.

1978 Barth 17' Cabin Fever
1997 Barth 23' 4 door Command Center
05-23-2010, 09:31 PM

The corners of the bed frame are out a little too far.

Cut a 45 at each end. Still have doggy step on front edge.

2" blinds are up. Ya I hmm know. But 5 of them took me all day.

1978 Barth 17' Cabin Fever
1997 Barth 23' 4 door Command Center
05-24-2010, 12:30 AM
bill h
Originally posted by dustyjeeper:

I gained 2" ground clearance by cutting off the down tube and raising the silencer. hmm It had to be welded back together. It had hit the ground a few times.

If I were going to keep the Kohler, I would use 90 degree bends and a wye to mount another muffler up somewhere out of harm's way.

If yours is a slip fit like mine, be sure to have some sort of retaining device for when it falls off. Not if, but when.


84 30T PeeThirty-Something, 502 powered
05-24-2010, 04:01 PM
bill h
Looking at your exhaust picture reminds me that I finally routed ours to the rear, for two reasons:

1. It no longer directed noise and fumes to our neighbor's breathing area.

2. It no longer set off the CO alarm in our bedroom. The old one was quiet, but a new digital alarm showed a slowly climbing reading, then the alarm. The only way to prevent it was completely covering the window with Saran Wrap. It looked really rough when put on the outside, but not too bad on the inside. Inside was marginally less effective than outside.

Since I recently moved the ladder to the driver side, I now run the exhaust up beside the ladder when we have neighbors and have to run the genset

CO is insidious.

Am I the only one here who is paranoid about it?


84 30T PeeThirty-Something, 502 powered
05-24-2010, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by bill h:

CO is insidious.

Am I the only one here who is paranoid about it?

Not paranoid, just really scared. When traveling slowly I put tennis balls in the scuppers because they discharge just above the exhausts. This also cuts down on the sound level. Even with this the cabin windows and forward hatch need to be open if there is any "stationwagon effect" taking place or the CO alarm will eventually start sounding in the cabin.
Never sleep without the alarm and test it before going to bed.
05-24-2010, 08:19 PM
I'm very susceptible to fumes. I added a turn down for the muffler and it extends as far as the engines exhaust. I did bend my cargo door up to clear but it looks fine.

I also went back and put silicon on all electrical openings that went though the floor in the generator compartment.

1978 Barth 17' Cabin Fever
1997 Barth 23' 4 door Command Center