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No New ContentDiscussion TopicBarth spotted at Gulf Shores State ParkSteve VW11468
by crouch38
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1985 Barth Regal - $12000 (Venice)Doug Smiley11098
by Jim and Tere
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1971 Barth P30 - $4800 OBO (Tucson, AZ)Doug Smiley31669
by Dick Dubbs
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1960 Vintage Barth Trailer 14' - $1 (Charlottesville)Doug Smiley21336
by Duane88
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1994 Barth gas 32' - $24999 (Tyler Tx)Doug Smiley0870
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1970 bARTH TRUCK CAMPER $999.00 OBODoug Smiley0862
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1971 Barth - $4800 (Tucson Az)Doug Smiley0807
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1986 Barth Regal SE 31' tag - $6000 (OBO) (Gulfport)Doug Smiley0855
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1962 Barth camper - $6500 (Westminster, SC)Doug Smiley0815
No New ContentDiscussion Topic19?? Barth class a gas - ANCHORAGEDoug Smiley0737
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1976 Barth A - $5000 (obo?) GREENVILLEDoug Smiley01276
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1976 Barth 23' - $4000 (Sunshine Coast, BC)Doug Smiley0799
No New ContentDiscussion Topic19?? Barth 34' tag - $4700 (East Stroudsburg)Doug Smiley01276
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1965 Barth 24' Trailer $1000 OBODoug Smiley0843
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1982 Barth -former county vehicle in FloridaMarvin+Doris11073
by Danny Z
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1985 Barth Regal - $12000 (Venice)Doug Smiley0781
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1989 Barth~~~ adventure with picsDoug Smiley1988
by Danny Z
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1971 Barth Motor Home - $4800 (Tucson Az)Doug Smiley0811
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1963 Barth trailer - EBAY ---offersDoug Smiley21201
by Marvin+Doris
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1980 Barth rv/moble office -EBAYDoug Smiley11142
by Doug Smiley
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1971 Barth A - NEW price (tucson Az)Doug Smiley32490
by Doug Smiley
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1990 Barth -WHO HITDoug Smiley41770
by shtym
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1994 Barth 30' - $18000 (covington OR)Doug Smiley21665
by carlflack
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1989 Barth Regency 38' - $24900 (Billings)Doug Smiley52035
by Doug Smiley
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1982 Barth Old Blue $3500 (Inland Empire CA)Doug Smiley0859
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This website is dedicated to the Barth Custom Coach, their owners and those who admire this American made, quality crafted, motor coach.
We are committed to the history, preservation and restoration of the Barth Custom Coach.