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No New ContentDiscussion TopicBarth Regal 28' 454 - $6500 St LouisDoug Smiley72347
by ccctimtation
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1983 Raised Roof, Bustle, Tag AxleNick Cagle11176
by Steve VW
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1995 Barth 36' Cummins 300 $22,000 OBO OrlandoDoug Smiley83647
by Rusty
No New ContentDiscussion Topic'84 Regal 28' - St Louis $2000Craig7118831828
by Marvin+Doris
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1990 Barth 32' Gas - $12500 (lima,Ohio)Doug Smiley92767
by Mogan David
No New ContentDiscussion TopicLooking at a 1963P's B43606
by Mogan David
No New ContentDiscussion TopicHelp with possible Barth purchaseMurphy156127
by Doug Smiley
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1987 Barth 28ft - $9500 (smithton MO)Doug Smiley11348
by Mogan David
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1977-8 Barth 26' - $4000 OBO/trade (Seagraves TX)Doug Smiley0989
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1989 Barth Regal $3999 (Strafford, NH)Doug Smiley11462
by Doug Smiley
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1990 Barth $33,000 Neenah, WI 54956Doug Smiley01323
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1986 34' Regal (eBay Illinois)Kirk & Elise42025
by Steve VW
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1982 Barth MCC Diesel Pusher Motorhome! Lots of Upgrades! Nice! - $7500 (CL/Floresville, Tx.)Don in Cincy73960
by Doug Smiley
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1984 Barth 35 feetNoob Goldberg53016
by K&E
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1984 34(?)ft Regency Diesel Pusher - CList - Winchester, KY $10,000Don in Cincy11264
by Danny Z
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1964 Barth 24' trailer $500 (Cartersville) northwest GADoug Smiley01264
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1982 Barth 28' Chevy C-20 - $6000 (janesville)Doug Smiley01100
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1970 Barth 24' - $5000 (Oakhurst-fresno)Doug Smiley0966
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicBarth on Ebay - 460 PusherStick Miller6320315
by Doug Smiley
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1963 Travel Trailer SELL or TRADE - $8500 bakersfieldDoug Smiley0986
No New ContentDiscussion Topic93 30' BreakawayDanny Z21483
by Marvin+Doris
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1977 BARTH 30' $6,000 OBO Chestermere, ABDoug Smiley01168
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1967 Barth Alum trailer - $2500 (Beech Grove)Doug Smiley01225
No New ContentDiscussion TopicCraigslist: P-30...?Raven1962103321
by BarthBluesmobile
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1985 Barth 28' 15000 OBO Claude TexasDoug Smiley01157
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This website is dedicated to the Barth Custom Coach, their owners and those who admire this American made, quality crafted, motor coach.
We are committed to the history, preservation and restoration of the Barth Custom Coach.