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No New ContentDiscussion Topic1987 Barth 38’ $16,500 CDN Revelstoke, BCDoug Smiley0949
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1995 31' Barth Regal Reduced $ CDN Brooks, ABDoug Smiley135473
by Doug Smiley
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1973 Barth 25' - $8600 (West Toledo)Doug Smiley01173
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1994 Barth p32 frame $15000 baltimoreDoug Smiley11272
by Doug Smiley
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1976? Barth class A - Beavercreek OHMarvin+Doris11060
by Doorman
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1985 Barth Regency 35' - $17990 OBO (Des Moines, IA)Doug Smiley01252
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1982 Barth "Euro" Motorcoach - $8000 WIDoug Smiley31167
by Kevin
No New ContentClosedDiscussion Topic1989 BARTH REGENCY 32' - $29900 (Auburn)Doug Smiley11271
by Kevin
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1972 Barth 28' - $3400 (Seattle)Doug Smiley11075
by Doug Smiley
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1987 Barth Regal Trade for Camper - $1 (Knoxville)Doug Smiley11141
by Kevin
No New ContentDiscussion Topicmid 80's Regal on US2 near Mackinaw Bridge.Steve VW01090
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1978 Barth 27' - $11900 CDN Vancouver, BCDoug Smiley21256
by Doug Smiley
No New ContentClosedDiscussion TopicLooks like a Plastic Breakawayw&bknocke103550
by Rusty
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1968 Barth Continental Travel Trailer - $3000 albuquerqueDoug Smiley11265
by Mary Ray
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1978 Barth 21' 1978 - $7000 SeattleDoug Smiley0901
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1976 Barth 24' $5,500 CDN Millet, ALBERTADoug Smiley0989
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1977 Barth Coachman 20' $3000 (Roseland VA))Doug Smiley21440
by Doug Smiley
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1987 Barth 38’ $16,500 CDN Revelstoke, BCDoug Smiley01069
No New ContentDiscussion TopicVintage 1978 Barth 24'- $1198 (Madison)Doug Smiley42011
by Jim & Barb
No New ContentDiscussion TopicRoute 301 outside of Brandon FlRaasco31266
by Kevin
No New ContentClosedDiscussion Topic1993 Barth Breakaway 33' $28500 (Allegan MI)Doug Smiley11761
by Kevin
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1973 Barth A $3,000 OBO CDN Prince Albert, SKDoug Smiley0911
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1990 Barth 33' - $26000 CDN (Agassiz BC)Doug Smiley0931
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1987 Barth Regal 34 tag gas Trade/ $1 (Norris Lake TN)Doug Smiley0940
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1978 Barth 27' - $6900 SeattleDoug Smiley0890
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This website is dedicated to the Barth Custom Coach, their owners and those who admire this American made, quality crafted, motor coach.
We are committed to the history, preservation and restoration of the Barth Custom Coach.