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No New ContentDiscussion Topic1993 Barth $22,000/ cryptocurrency ok (ormond beach/daytona)Doug Smiley075
No New ContentDiscussion Topic92 BreakawayDanny Z4295
by Gary Carter
No New ContentDiscussion TopicOld Barth + stuff on EBAY 2024Doug Smiley0110
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1996 Chevrolet Barth Trolley $49900.00 Pedricktown, NJ 08067Doug Smiley083
No New ContentDiscussion TopicAnybody know where this is?BV2255
by Harold,Cat&Sam
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1969 22' BARTH TRAVEL TRAILER - $11,000 (Forest Grove, Oregon)Doug Smiley2214
by Steve VW
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1993 Barth Breakaway 34' - $20,000 (Florida Keys)Doug Smiley097
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1994 Barth Aristocrat 33' $42,500 Midland, NCDoug Smiley2539
by Doug Smiley
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1979 Barth A 22' - $6,500 DAYTONADoug Smiley093
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1977 Barth A 28' $20000 CDN Courtenay, BC, V9N9R1Doug Smiley078
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1977 Barth C - $4888 CDN (Parksville BC)Doug Smiley2306
by Ian and Lynnette
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1973 Barth 25’ - $4,000 OBO (Tehachapi)Doug Smiley1203
by Ian and Lynnette
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1989 Barth - Deere Chassis - Ford 460 - $500BarthBluesmobile1537
by Doug Smiley
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1977 BARTH 24' GAS ST ALBERT - CDNDoug Smiley0124
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1993 Barth 34 Breakaway Diesel $19xxx (Florida Keys)Doug Smiley0163
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1975 Barth 19 Motorhome - $4,000 (Duncan--OKLAHOMACITY)Doug Smiley0163
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1988 Barth REGENCY 40' DIESAL $32000 Okeechobee FLDoug Smiley0143
No New ContentDiscussion Topic...1983 BARTH A 29' $7,000 Sarasota SlDoug Smiley1342
by Danny Z
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1985 Barth Regal. 31' - $17,500 (Volcano)Doug Smiley0170
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1972 Barth motorhome project $3,000 Regina CanadaDoug Smiley0154
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1991 Barth gas $28000 CDN OBO CalgaryDoug Smiley0154
No New ContentDiscussion TopicNot An Abarth: 1975 Barth Motorhome 23'Doug Smiley0196
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1991 Barth Regal 22' $11,500 (Hicksville)Doug Smiley0275
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1972 Barth 25′ SOLD BY AUCTIONDoug Smiley2443
by Duane88
No New ContentDiscussion Topic1998 (?) Barth 33' Dryden Ont. CDN S21000Doug Smiley0183
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This website is dedicated to the Barth Custom Coach, their owners and those who admire this American made, quality crafted, motor coach.
We are committed to the history, preservation and restoration of the Barth Custom Coach.