- Barth Coach Affinity Website Is Dedicated To The Restoration, Preservation And History Of The Barth Custom Coach
From 1963-1998 Barth Custom Coaches
A Barth Euro, Regal, Regency, Camper Insert, Class C, Trolley, 'MCC by Barth' or a Barth Classic Pulling a Barth Travel Trailer.
Milford Indiana
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Barth Coaches For Sale by Members
Commercial, private and estate sales. All members are welcomed to use this area to list their Barth Coaches. Please, no other brands allowed.
Re: 1981 barth mcc 40 foot (7kidchaos)
Barth Sightings/Ads
Barths seen on the road, or for sale on Ebay or local newspapers.
1980 BARTH REGAL 25CB in Okeec... (Doug Smiley)
Swap Meet Central
A place to look for the items you need, a place to get rid of the some of the stuff you don't. You may also request something that you're looking for.
Re: Flexsteel seats for sale (Jack Finn)
Barth Coaches Sold
This is a list of coaches which have been sold from the Barthmobile website
Re: 1994 Breakaway For Sale (chevy2racer)
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This website is dedicated to the Barth Custom Coach, their owners and those who admire this American made, quality crafted, motor coach.
We are committed to the history, preservation and restoration of the Barth Custom Coach.
Barth Custom Coach RV Pencil Drawings